Questions tagged as 'mysql'


Keep the form open when sending data to the table

I have this code with several forms within the same page: test1 page: <select id="mudar_produto"> <option value="#produto_1">Novo Produto Higiene</option> <option value="#produto_2">Entrada de Prod...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 10:15

Not overlapping the value

I want the final information of the calculation to overwrite what is already saved in the Inventory table, as it would be to do this, because Save is overwriting correctly, I tried to apply in the update, but not saved. > Update: var Consult...
asked by 09.04.2018 / 17:16

SELECT command denied to user

   Error: SELECT command denied to user 'bank'@'xxx.xx.xx.xx' for table ' This error only happens in my hosting, it is running locally perfectly, I am querying 2 databases in a single query using: 'banco'.'table' ... Is it user permiss...
asked by 05.07.2014 / 03:40

I have many INNER JOIN in the query, how can I minimize it?

I have a query in a database that uses several INNER JOIN and I realize that sometimes the system slows down in this request, how can I reduce it?    Below is an explanation of my structure Customers table with all data address, n...
asked by 05.01.2018 / 23:53

Migrating from Firebird to MySQL

I am migrating a project in Firebird to MySQL, I have a difficulty in converting a procedure, I would like any tip in how to proceed, below the procedure in FIREBIRD. CREATE PROCEDURE EXECUTA_INATIVA_TABELAS ( OPERADOR VARCHAR(20), ALT...
asked by 09.01.2018 / 14:16

Block registrations beyond the value stipulated in PHP form

I have a course management system where the teacher registers a class and the student accesses a page with a table with all the classes and subscribes to the one that he thinks best. The problem is that many students are enrolling in a class...
asked by 22.01.2018 / 17:32

How to use two arrays to make an appointment in the bank?

I'm using the Google API, Cloud Vision , to parse an image and return through the Labels, which make / model a car, for example. Using the image below, I have the following return: [ car, land vehicle, vehicle, motor vehicle, bmw, persona...
asked by 16.01.2018 / 13:53

SQL searching for records from a Date and Time

I have the following SQL: select * from tb_valores where DATA >= '14/12/17' and HORA >= '16:34:00') I would like to bring all records from that date and time. The problem is that if I have records like: '14/12/17' '10:20:00' '14/...
asked by 15.12.2017 / 20:20

Variable returning null value

I am creating a procedure for storing the food name in the food variable of the procedure, follow the code: DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE armazena_nome(id INT, OUT alimento VARCHAR(20)) BEGIN SELECT alimentos_dados.nome_alimento INTO alime...
asked by 17.12.2017 / 20:10

Are there classification metrics for preparing SQL queries?

Doubt Is there any method for sorting in difficulty levels, an SQL query in easy, medium, or difficult ? This question may be a bit subjective, but speculating may be a good option. Context I was responding to some SQL issues on the h...
asked by 21.11.2017 / 21:10