Not overlapping the value


I want the final information of the calculation to overwrite what is already saved in the Inventory table, as it would be to do this, because Save is overwriting correctly, I tried to apply in the update, but not saved. >


var ConsultaAntigo = ckm.Compra(viewModel.Id);
var Antigo = ConsultaAntigo.OrderBy(c => c.NomeProduto).FirstOrDefault();
var Consulta = ckm.ControleEstoque(viewModel.ProdutoId);
var estoque = Consulta.OrderBy(t => t.NomeProduto).FirstOrDefault();    
int AntigoFinal = estoque.Quantidade - Antigo.Quant;    
int quantidadefinal = AntigoFinal + viewModel.Quant;    
estoque.Quantidade = quantidadefinal;

DAO Buy:

public void Update(Compra compra)
    using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.AbreSession())
        ITransaction tx = session.BeginTransaction();
asked by anonymous 09.04.2018 / 17:16

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