Questions tagged as 'mvc'


Refactoring a java class

I have a Java class that contains 1756 lines (obviously it's not all code, there are blank lines, lots of comments and some commented code in case you need it in the future) I'm implementing the MVC structure and this class belongs to...
asked by 22.10.2014 / 12:14

PSR-4 in an MVC project or not?

I have two codes, the first one uses spl_autoload_register and the other does not, however the second one loads "automatically the class" as well. With spl_autoload_register Uses namespaces to split MVC You can create multiple le...
asked by 10.08.2015 / 22:18

Questions about DAO, MVC, Multiple Tables and POJO

If someone can help me, I have a question that has been consuming me a lot in recent days and is psychologically locking my studies (hehehhe) MVC and DAO with multiple tables. I will put here a model, an idea and then evolve my doubts: We ima...
asked by 30.11.2015 / 20:45

What is the difference of the MVC web for MVC desktop / mobile?

Apparently the MVC template as it is used in web (RubyOnRails, CakePHP, etc.) is different from MVC as an employee in desktop (Delphi, Android, etc.). In the desktop it seems to be more coupled to the interface than in the web . What'...
asked by 07.07.2014 / 12:56

What is the difference between MVC "action based" and "component based"?

This Answer of this question answers the advantages and disadvantages of each, but without explaining the difference between them. I ask: What's the difference between them? Examples of frameworks that use each of them. Note:...
asked by 25.06.2014 / 13:17

How to represent the MVC classes in the UML?

How to represent the mvc model classes in the UML? A colleague told me that he just puts Control in his modeling. Is this correct? Another question would be if I need to put the connection class with the bank.     
asked by 27.11.2016 / 00:00

Is the term Asp Net MVC correct?

Is it correct to use the term Asp Net MVC? It seems like they are two different things, like, in MVC we do not use any Asp Net components, do we use either HTML or Razor or both? I know that in addition to Razor we can also use aspx , but...
asked by 04.11.2015 / 11:21

Why does Value in Spring MVC require an asterisk?

Why do I need to put * in value when there is nothing left? I mean, before using Spring MVC it worked without problems only as /planilha/ . getPlanilha works correctly but if it has the same RequestMethod and con...
asked by 31.03.2015 / 15:23

What can Model do in validation in MVC?

In an MVC project developed in PHP, should I validate what in model and what in controller ? Hash of passwords I'm doing in the set method of the model classes. Some validations that are not returned to the user I believe I should do...
asked by 07.06.2015 / 18:28

What is Spring MVC?

I'm developing a java web project and I'm using the MVC (Model-view-controller), which is a pattern of software design and I know its function is to separate the representation of user interaction information with it. So my question is what w...
asked by 19.10.2015 / 22:30