Questions tagged as 'mask'


Mask for CPF and CNPJ in the same field

Hello, I looked for this doubt in the questions, but I could not find it. Well, I would like to make a field have the masks of cpf and cnpj depending on the amount of characters typed. This is not quite true, because with several tests I did her...
asked by 27.10.2015 / 19:40

How to add the ninth digit, in a fixed way, using the jQuery Mask?

How to add the ninth digit in a fixed way using jQuery Mask ? $('#telefone').mask('(00) 90000-0000'); This way I use is only optional.     
asked by 19.06.2015 / 22:26

Money mask with jquery.inputmask

How do I create a mask for a monetary value? I'm using this: $(".ValoresItens").inputmask('R$ 999.999.999,99', { numericInput: true}); It looks like this: R $
asked by 13.07.2016 / 17:46

Record records with the mask or remove before?

By contextualizing my question, sort of by convention of my old work environment I always recorded the records without the mask at the base, but a situation arose in my new job where they are saving the records with the mask. As far as I know...
asked by 31.08.2017 / 14:21

Input mask with leading zeros

I have a numeric type input, which should only receive numbers (obvious) . However, some browsers let the user type alphanumeric characters. But the problem is not just that. I need to display 0 on the left as long as the input value h...
asked by 10.01.2017 / 20:04

Mask for monetary values

I wanted to create a mask for monetary values, where the person would enter and enter the scores and separations of the decimal places automatically. Ex:    $ 1       R $, 11       $ 1.10       $ 11.00       $ 110.00       $ 1,110.00...
asked by 11.11.2016 / 18:10

CPF / Cnpj Mask in Edittext [duplicate]

I have an Edittext field, I want to know how I can set a mask for it to format the text entered in the corresponding format, CPF or CNPJ, I tried using the method described in this one question however when the text entered reaches 11 digits...
asked by 15.01.2016 / 20:04

How to use Angular input mask

I use AngularJs and Ionic and am trying to use this Input Mask , but I'm not sure how to do it. I follow the steps and even then this error appears: Angular Error . References in index.html: <script src="js/app.js"></script> &...
asked by 27.10.2015 / 18:48

Error in the monetary mask, saved with the correct digits but at the time of display are missing 2 digits

asked by 09.01.2016 / 16:53

Mask with Jquery changing from fixed to mobile or vice versa

I have a JQuery mask for phone, depending on how much information the user type I understand if it is cell phone or landline. The fixed mask: (55) 9999-9999 for mobile: (55) 99999-9999 the mask code: $("#Telefone").keydown(function () {...
asked by 18.08.2017 / 17:30