Questions tagged as 'lua'


Send email with attachment on Lua

I'm trying to send an email behind the socket . I can send an email, with attachment, but I also want to add text to the email and I can not. Code sample: local smtp = require("socket.smtp") local mime = require("mime") local ltn12 = require(...
asked by 14.07.2015 / 14:04

Get position of wxTextCtrl

How do I get the position (x and y) of a WxTextCtrl ? I did not find anything in the documentation either.     
asked by 28.12.2014 / 10:58

Run block of Lua code inside C ++

How do I run a Lua block within a function in C ++? The idea would look something like: int main() { tipodavariavel script; script << "print('Ola mundo')"; executar(script); return 0; }     
asked by 12.02.2015 / 05:53

How to configure LUA_PATH?

I have installed the IUP ( graphic toolkit ) in a given folder. When I run the following script from within this folder, it works perfectly .. require("iuplua") iup.Message('Minha Aplicação','Finalizada com sucesso!') The file is...
asked by 23.07.2014 / 16:31

Gravity with the library "physics" crown SKD (ERROR)

I am solving a college exercise in corona SDK in making a small game, however I have a small problem at the time the ball will fall from "top" for the second time. The point is that I need to drop the polka dots from the top of the phone so that...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 04:28

Get part of a string

I'm fetching data from a file in ics format. The problem is that the file may change several times. I have this code to by in each variable each die of a certain line of the file. Example: for line in f:lines() do f line:sub(1,5)...
asked by 17.08.2015 / 17:33

How to import Lua packages into Love?

I was looking at the example files of the moon (more specifically the iup), and the example dial.wlua caught my attention a lot ... I thought it would be interesting a game using this base, for time travel, and tried to import the package iuplua...
asked by 07.03.2014 / 04:57

Literal strings Crown Moon

I'm kind of lost with \t . In the console, it works and in the simulator it is ignored. If anyone knows of a possible solution. local myText = display.newText("a\tb", 200, 100, native.systemFont, 16) print(myText.text) Or: a = "oi"...
asked by 30.03.2018 / 01:45

Accessing sub-tables in a moon table

How do I read a subtable within a table? I tried to return the value with the following function but went wrong. name = {"Lowes", "Renata", "Titia", "Maria"} health = {} posx = {} posy = {} posz = {} players = {name, health, posx, posy, p...
asked by 20.12.2017 / 16:50

How do I use hump.timer in a repeat loop in LOVE2D?

I'm asking this to make something move in LOVE2D when a key is pressed. I've already tried repeat imgx = imgx + 1 timer.after(0, function() end) until not love.keyboard.isDown('left') But it did not work. Please help me! Enti...
asked by 01.01.2017 / 01:41