Questions tagged as 'laravel-eloquent'


How to pass a query to Eloquent?

I'm trying to translate a SQL to Eloquent , where it gets an id ( $myid ) and returns the clothes combinations, clothes and I have another table combinations_clothes and in this case I have a relation m...
asked by 19.06.2017 / 00:30

Save to two tables with one-to-many Laravel

I could not give myself an error:    ErrorException in ParameterBag.php line 88: array_key_exists (): The   first argument should be either a string or an integer My Controller: public function store(Request $request){ $diaria = Diar...
asked by 02.07.2017 / 20:22

Doubt with Relationship - Laravel?

I'm new with Laravel and PHP and I'm trying to create a simple voting system. It turns out that, I am in doubt as to how to relate between my tables. For example: I have the Pessoa table and the Projeto table,...
asked by 30.03.2017 / 20:08

Example of XML import using Lavarel

Does anyone have a clear example to import XML using Laravel Parser or SimpleXML ...? I have a scenario where I have to import an XML from an external system that contains various information generated in an XML ... I need to get this XML genera...
asked by 10.02.2017 / 20:11

Problems inserting integer data into Sybase using Laravel

Hello, I'm having trouble inserting values into tables with columns of integer data type using Laravel 5.1 and Sybase. Error 257 is listed when the exception is thrown. In the Sybase manuals seems to be a conversion problem. I can see that...
asked by 20.08.2015 / 15:11

Relation between several tables in Eloquent

I'm trying to create models in Lumen based on my current database for a virtual store, but I'm having trouble setting up the relationships between them. So far I have the following Models: * Product <?php namespace App\Models; use Illum...
asked by 10.07.2015 / 19:46

Help Update Laravel

Good evening, I'm starting to study Laravel and I came across a problem that already took me a few hours to find a solution. I need to do an update on a form, and when I submit submit I get the error: Herearemycodes:Route:Route::get('/produtos/...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 00:52

How to make a ternary relationship in Laravel?

What is the best way to make a ternary relationship in Laravel? I'm doing a "multi client / company" application (basecamp type) and the following relationship appeared: a user has a (0 .. n) permissão in that organization,...
asked by 03.07.2014 / 17:44

Relationship Laravel 5.2 Eloquent

Good morning, I'm having a problem in a relationship between tables with Elouquent (Laravel) I have two tables [clients / business_activities] (innoDB MYSQL) In the client table there is a field (FK) called: _commercial_id_id In the bus...
asked by 26.07.2016 / 16:05

Delete method returns page not found

I use the form below to send the id of the line to be deleted in the table: <form method="DELETE" action="{{ URL::to('receitas/delete') }}" > <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ $receita->id }}" > <button type="submit"...
asked by 07.11.2014 / 00:13