Relationship Laravel 5.2 Eloquent


Good morning,

I'm having a problem in a relationship between tables with Elouquent (Laravel)

I have two tables [clients / business_activities] (innoDB MYSQL)

In the client table there is a field (FK) called: _commercial_id_id In the business_activities table there is the index: id field, along with the commercial_activity (varchar) field

When I try to retrieve the customer information, I would like to see the business activity and its related customer id along with the fields.

I'm doing this in Controller:

$return = \App\Cliente::find($id)->with('atividadesComerciais')->get();
return view('', ['data'=>$return]);

No Model:

public function atividadesComerciais()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\AtividadesComerciais', 'atividades_comerciais_id', 'id');

Before I could access the information in the view by the blade so

{{ $data['razao_nome'] }}

But now it is not possible.

Where can I go wrong?

asked by anonymous 26.07.2016 / 16:05

2 answers


The belongsTo relationships of Laravel are stored in a property of your Model instance. This property will always be the name of the relationship method.

For example, if your User model relates to Role , through the User::role method, we would have the following:

class User {
     public function role() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);

For you to access the relationship data, it would look like this:

$user = User::with('role')->find($id);

$user->role->name; // admin
$user->role->id; // 3
$user->name; // Wallace de Souza

That is, Laravel will convert the name of your relationship method to a property, which treats the relationship values, if any.

There are some important things to note:


You have set with after find . In Laravel this makes all the difference, since find is a method of Eloquent Builder , and with is a static method of Model - which in turn returns a new instance of the model itself. So, to get the desired behavior, you should use with whenever you start any query, to load the relationships "anxiously."



If you want to load the relationship after you have done the query, you will actually use the load method.


$user = User::find(1);


$user->role->id; // 3
26.07.2016 / 18:34

You are finalizing with the get() method, this results in a collection of templates. Try changing from:

$return = \App\Cliente::find($id)->with('atividadesComerciais')->get();


$return = \App\Cliente::with('atividadesComerciais')->find($id);

This way with the find() method we return a single template. If you prefer, you can leave the method get() , but in the view you should use this way:

@foreach ($data as $model)
    {{ $model->razao_nome }}
26.07.2016 / 18:37