Questions tagged as 'json'


Lambda function for dict dict - Python

I would like to know if there is a possibility of using filter with a lambda function to select a conjunto de dados of a array de J SON in Python . Example: I have the following JSON already as dict...
asked by 07.10.2018 / 04:58

How to read a JSON file that is inside a package?

I need to give a file in the *.JSON case. I understand that there is a library for this in case I use json-simple-1.1.1 . As it is necessary to read the file first and then work with it. My question is as follows: I keep the...
asked by 17.02.2014 / 18:35

Return data Json

I have this function to return the data in JSON, but I can not get it to work in MVC Core. public ActionResult SalvarItens(string HoraInicio, string HoraFim, bool Seg, bool Ter, bool Qua, bool Qui, bool Sex, bool Sab, bool Dom, bool Fer, int...
asked by 28.05.2018 / 16:09

Consume Json and direct to a database using C #

I'm having a hard time consuming a payback json and convert- I've tried it in object so I can write to the database, my variables always return "null", I've tried several ways and I always get stuck in this return. Here's part of the code:...
asked by 30.05.2018 / 21:28

Generate a new JSON by manipulating the data of another JSON

I was participating in an internship test and the following problem was proposed to me: I would have to read the JSON below: [ { "nome":"Jabba, the Hutt", "jedi":false, "sistemas":[ "Tatooine" ] }, { "nome":"Chewbacca", "jedi":false, "sist...
asked by 03.09.2018 / 21:37

How to get all values of 'YamlDotNet' in 'File.yml'?

I'm working on an .yml file and I want to get all the values that contain this file. I am using the YamlDotNet.Serialization reference. What I want to do is take a certain value and display the properties of that particular value. But just...
asked by 04.09.2018 / 13:51

Knowing what index of array values matches variable

I have two JSON arrays in JavaScript and both are like this. First array: [""Amarelo"", ""Amarelo"", ""Amarelo"", ""Preto"", ""Preto"", ""Preto""] Second array: [""Pequeno"", ""Médio"", ""Grande"", ""Pequeno"", ""Médio"", ""Grande""]...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 19:42

Request Post API Messenger with Spring Boot

I need to create a post method that returns this information to the Messenger API with Spring Boot, if anyone can give a light thanks. The example below is found in the Facebook Developers documentation curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: applic...
asked by 20.06.2018 / 07:08

Write file in JSON

I have a series of files in JSON format, so work better organize all of them into a single file using the following method: import json filename = "dados_geral.json" for mensagens in range(1,6): arq='data_gephi_%d.json' % (mensagens)...
asked by 12.12.2017 / 14:26

Add data in a single Json

Hello I have a problem and I'm having a hard time solving it .. come on I have 4 JSON files exactly the same with 22,000 product records, same parameters and everything, the only difference between them is that each has a different stock...
asked by 25.11.2017 / 05:31