Questions tagged as 'json'


json_encode in html tag

How do I put a json generated by php into a link tag $array = array('a','b','c'); $json = json_encode($array); $link = '<a href.. tag="'.$json.'">'; // tried with JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_TAG and does not work     
asked by 21.03.2015 / 14:07

Make large-scale textContent exchanges with Javascript

I have a page where I want each event to be exchanged with textContent , <h1> , <p> and <img> . I thought of php or Json includes. I do not know. (It's a lot of content, so I thought of Json)     
asked by 13.12.2014 / 03:53

Integration of JSON with Swift

I wanted to know how I get to pass a JSON with my URL to Swift. I have an example: link and if anyone can start my JSON in the Swift language already it would help me a lot because I can not get out of the place. So, in my company we ha...
asked by 15.12.2014 / 12:57

Receiving Json array in PHP [duplicate]

I have the following code on the application side: function enviaMensagem() { var send = ""; $.post( send, {"table": [{"d":1, "p":1, "m": "1"},{"d":2, "p":2, "m": "2"},{"d":3, "p":3,...
asked by 14.11.2014 / 16:25

Read a JSON from a URL

I need to read a JSON file, which is generated by PHP , through json_encode ; I have no idea how to do this, do you have any examples? Note: It's in Windows Phone 8 C #! The response the url gives is as follows:...
asked by 23.04.2014 / 22:06

Make a POST with AJAX and JSON with pure Javascript [duplicate]

I have the following code in jQuery $.post('/privmsg?', { folder: 'inbox', mode: 'post', post: '1', username: 'Wagner', subject: 'Título', message: 'Mensagem' }); I'm studying Javascript, and would like to do the s...
asked by 27.07.2014 / 21:22

Request Method Changing from GET to OPTIONS alone

I have the following code: $(function() { $('#method').change(function() { var method = $(this).val(); if (method == 'GET' || method == 'DELETE') $('#json-group').hide(); else $('#json-group'...
asked by 13.06.2014 / 22:04

Configuring the Jackson Library for Dynamic Attributes

I'm using the Jackson library to transform the following JSON into a Java object. {"name":"Agent/MetricsReported/count","begin":"2014-02-04T09:44:00Z","end":"2014-02-04T09:45:00Z","app":"","agent_id":, "average_exclusive_time":0.23999999463558...
asked by 04.02.2014 / 13:10

how to concatenate an object in asynchronous function?

Hello, I'm developing a website to train a bit of js, but I came across the following situation: I have a javascript Object that I created to facilitate Ajax queries, however when I'm doing the requests sometimes a link is solved or finished (I d...
asked by 21.07.2018 / 18:45

NullPointerException while reading JSONArray passing String

This is my code, which receives a String in JSON format from the url link When extracting the data, according to this class / method public class JSONDataHandler { public List<String> extractDados(String string) { List<String&...
asked by 27.06.2018 / 16:35