Hello! How do I run a code within event listener programatically?
document.getElementById("voltar").addEventListener('click', function() {
}, true);
I want to execute alert of addEventListe...
I need to do a java script to execute a direct POST in the browser console. Based on this, I wanted to do this:
Used sites:
Request URL:http://csgobounty.com/v1/tips/send?token=877e556c058a396c3f9d9eb12c7ab04b015e2...
My problem is in trying to put information in the title, in the description or swap the page image by java script.
I am trying to make a shopping page (e-commerce) with angular and on the product page I would like to modify the title, descriptio...
These days, I asked a question here in SOpt and the guy answered me with a code, creating a function within another function , something simple, but I did not use it, and I started to implement it.
function QuantosEmEstoqueAbrir(){
Good afternoon,
I have a problem with the POST return in express, I wanted to make a user registry using the following code:
router.post('/user', (req,res,next) =>{
var obj = {name:req.body.des_name,
I have a PHP form for registering recipes (for food). By filling out this form, it is registered in a MySQL database.
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" id="receita">
<input type="text" id="ingrediente"><button id="ad...
I have this component Primefaces:
<p:selectOneRadio id="mercado" styleClass="teste">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Interno" itemValue="I"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Externo" itemValue="E"/>
I t...
All beauty?
Well, I need a strength in the Lib of ChartJS, I need to put the values inside a Stacked Groups, something like this:
You can see that we have 2 values, and above we have the total.
I did some research I found some things...
I made a simple "play / pause" button for audio, with the following script:
<audio id="myAudio"
<script type="text/javascript" charset=...
I want to make the menu stay fixed after some scrolling,
var nav = $('.menu-topo');
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 150) {...