Position an element using the position reference of the div box, the element is in display none and when it receives the click event ira appears on the screen, however it should appear below the div box.
<h3> Sindico<i class="taskAtiv...
Problem with output from modal $uibModal :
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
animation: true,
templateUrl: 'detalhes_leitura.html',
controller: 'ModalController',...
I need a little help, I'm new here and I'm trying to create a custom video player, but I'm having difficulties in the time, and I wanted someone to help me do just that, if possible, demarcating and explaining a I just wanted to know how to conv...
I'd like to know how to get a value of input , calculate it, and play the result on another input . Example: imc = peso x (altura)² .E When the person places the height and weight in the inputs , the calculation will be...
var init = [iAppLib.getPersonalBits(),
var codes = false;
var gcOk = new Array("BRH04700","BRH04600","BRH00200","BRH04500","BRJ01400","BRM00100","BRM00200","BRM096...
Good afternoon, I have the function below javascript to hold the account when you leave the discount field:
function calcular1() {
String.prototype.formatMoney = function() {
var v = this;
if (v.indexOf('.') === -1) {...
I made a function that throws an image in the div conteudo-img when double-clicking.
But she plays the image in a sequence of the div and would like it to stay in predefined places ...
For example, the first position [0] will be x = 142...
I have a problem.
I need to know what id of input type='text' the user is typing, and the inputs are generated dynamically. At each new input, a new id is generated with a counter incrementally increasing how much the user needs....
I'm using a object exp variable:
var obj = {
nome: "Marcos",
snome: "Bonado",
idade: "314",
email: "[email protected]",
tellW: "0123456789"
I want to list the names and contents of each object. Is there any way for me to do this?
I have the following JSON:
[{"id": 1,"preco": "R$50"}, {"id": 2,"preco": "R$70"}]
I would like to change the value of 'price' by removing R$ leaving only numbers using javascript or jQuery