I have a% of image upload% where the user before doing an update on the avatar image or profile cover, he visualizes (in the same form) his registered image or a system default.
It turns out that my form has an "onchange" and my inp...
I have the following code in jQuery
$.post('/privmsg?', {
folder: 'inbox',
mode: 'post',
post: '1',
username: 'Wagner',
subject: 'Título',
message: 'Mensagem'
I'm studying Javascript, and would like to do the s...
You can get a javascript value and put it inside a variable in java .
var len = $(" #relacaoPax select[name=tipo] ").length;
console.log( "len = " + len );
<% int l = len;
System.out.println( "//L = " + l );
The Select2 plugin works normally, the only problem is when I make the item selection the value set in the hidden (mandatory to bring data via AJAX) stays as [Object Value] and not the value specified by the format.
Follow form...
I would like to know how to do a click on a button on a website even by clicking on such a debug web element in the browser itself.
I'm using the C # webbrowser component
I have tried some methods here, but without success, even using GetE...
I'm trying to call the $ http method of AngularJS to get information from a REST WebService, but the following error appears:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.23/$injector/modulerr?p0=contatosApp&p1=%5B%24injecto...
When I publish my asp.net mvc application the bundle script generates a ref problem. scripts.
As in the debug environment I do not use the bundles, the problem does not happen.
"common / scripts": Duplicate data property in ob...
I would like to calculate the distance between two points using the api Google Maps V3 automatically without the use of interface, and send them to java for future processing. The coordinates are in a MySQL database.
I'm even getting more tha...
I've always used generic function, but I'm having a problem retrieving the value of textarea . I use a text editor in textarea , the CkEditor .
Here is the function I'm using:
function sendPost(form, action, callback) {