Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Error requesting Ajax (Get) AngularJS

I'm having a problem when I make a GET pro server request. My factory always returns an empty object, when it should not. Then my server (localhost:8080/av1/listarCarroEstoque) whenever requested returns me the following JSON: [...
asked by 23.02.2015 / 03:25

Message in JSON does not appear

I have this code in PHP: if($qryInsert == 1){ //echo "Evento criado com sucesso!"; echo json_encode( array('status' => 1, 'msg' => 'Evento criado com sucesso!')); }else{ //echo "Erro ao criar evento";...
asked by 09.02.2015 / 01:19

Disable Jquery button in Chrome

I want the button to be disabled during the ajax request and the loading icon appears. I made the following script: $(document).ready(function(){ //Clicar no botão deletar selecionadas $('#deleteSelecionados').click( function () {...
asked by 02.02.2015 / 22:10

CSS interfering with element position while dragging

I have a script that allows you to click and drag an element across the screen and take you to the bottom of the page, which has an area that attracts the dragged element. At the top of the page is a div with CSS: width: 100%; height: 55px;...
asked by 30.01.2015 / 21:22

How to work with the @Html.DropDownList?

Friends After following the example I made the adjustment in the code, I am not able to send the information to ActionResult @model ProjetoDelphiMobile.Models.cliente @{ ViewBag.Title = ""; } <script type="text/javascrip...
asked by 14.04.2015 / 22:17

Option change of select element

I'm trying to add an option to a select: function add(){ var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = "0101"; opt.text = "foo"; } This code works. My question is why when I remove the double quotation marks from th...
asked by 22.04.2015 / 15:31

Bootstrap Datepicker

I developed an application using bootstrap ( I created a date field and linked the datepicker from the bootstrap itself. How do I change the size of the calendar? I need to display it smaller.     
asked by 25.11.2014 / 02:38

$ http angularjs return not expected

Description I'm implementing a $ http request with angular. I want to return the objects from the database. Code angular.module('vaultfactor').factory 'CompanyService', ($http, $q) -> getCompanies: -> p...
asked by 27.11.2014 / 13:38

Show variable in script src

I need to pass two parameters via url and create a JS function to get these parameters and place them in the source of a script. Follow what I already have. Link to the parameters: <a href="<?php bloginfo( 'url' ); ?>/co...
asked by 21.01.2015 / 14:28

InputMask for DisplayFor

I use jQuery Inputmask to add masks to my TextBox. But I need to add a mask when listing these fields (phone, cpf, etc). I use DisplayFor to list, but the mask does not work with it. Code in my View: Cargo: @Html.DisplayFor(...
asked by 22.01.2015 / 13:13