Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Retrieve the index of an array of classes with javascript

I'm trying to add a clicklist eventListener to my divs through their classes, which are: option-title . However as it is more of a title, I would like it to retrieve exactly the one I am clicking. Follow the code: var groupOptions =...
asked by 17.09.2015 / 21:48

Picking a popup title

I need to get the title or URL of a popup . Inside my system has a button, clicking opens this popup with an external site For example:"", options); How do I get the title of this popup ?     
asked by 18.09.2015 / 20:28

on ('click') running more than once

When I click on an area and then on the button .more1 for the first time correctly performs the function but if I click on one area after another and click on the button .more1 it executes the function twice, the function executes the number of...
asked by 18.09.2015 / 14:46

Turning an PHP variable into an array

I have a JavaScript variable that is a string "13:00:00" , however I would like to pass it to PHP and slice it into an array, separating it with ":" but the explode function does not work with the following code : <scrip...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 02:11

Certain function does not work in Firefox

I have a conditional like this: // 1.º - Verificar se existe a matrícula no sistema function existeColaborador() { if(DSdetalhesColaborador.values[0] == undefined)...
asked by 08.09.2015 / 20:45

Deletion Confirmation Prompt with Javascript and ASP

I have a list of titles dynamically presented to the user: [ x ] - [ + ] - Título 1 [ x ] - [ + ] - Título 2 [ x ] - [ + ] - Título 3 [ x ] - [ + ] - Título 4 The number of items is variable and the values for Title are also dependent on th...
asked by 07.08.2015 / 06:40

javascript code is giving error

I posted a thread here that dealt with how to replace an ASP code with Javascript cleaner. Well, I had a lot of help from Maicon and TobyMosque. Well, I made the changes, to my understanding and gives an error that I could not eliminate. See b...
asked by 18.08.2015 / 19:46

Debug by the chrome of javascript objects

I put a break point in my function javascript(F9) and then I give F12 to chrome with the application open. I press a button that will call this function for example and not to break. I can not see what each variable, paramet...
asked by 10.08.2015 / 18:22

Change javascript array keys

My javaScript function send my data by hidden input to PHP like this: $('<input/>').attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "produto"+ contador + "[]").val(formData).appendTo(row); $('<input/>').attr("type", "hidden").attr("name",...
asked by 09.08.2015 / 03:07

Menu with CSS3 and Javascript

I want to make a menu up to a point simple with CSS3 and Javascript. My menu needs to have a "hamburger" and when clicking it needs to turn an "X". When you click on a link it also needs to close and the "X" will turn the "hamburger" again. B...
asked by 15.02.2016 / 18:35