Debug by the chrome of javascript objects


I put a break point in my function javascript(F9) and then I give F12 to chrome with the application open. I press a button that will call this function for example and not to break. I can not see what each variable, parameter is being passed. How do I do this? In IE , I can, although with the script debug "on" and keep giving those script errors, but I get it. I would like to get in Chrome .

asked by anonymous 10.08.2015 / 18:22

2 answers


You are confusing Debug with% of Development with Debug with IDE .

To create Breakpoint, use Chrome DevTools to open F12 , go to the Chrome DevTools tab, look at the list of sources and search for the JavaScript you want to debug, then place the breakpoint of the desired location .

An alternative flow would be to load the page with the Source open, in the% Co_of% filter% filter by Chrome DevTools and / or Network , find the desired file, Documents , Scripts . >

If you want to debug using some IDE like VS, you should open the application with right-click .

10.08.2015 / 18:33

Are you sure the breakpoint is correctly placed in your code? If you use a console.log in that location, will it write it right?

If everything is ok, try instead of using the manual chrome breakpoint put a debugger in your code, and any browser should stop on that line.

10.08.2015 / 18:32