I have an Asp.Net MVC project where I am using Resources , and to use it on my web pages p>
@using projeto.Translations
The problem is that I have some items (buttons, for example) that are d...
I'm trying to make a game of the gallows and I want it to show the letters already typed correctly appear the preview in the divs, but gives the following error in chrome
forca.js: 95 Uncaught TypeError: Can not set property 'innerHTML' of...
I'm having the following error when trying to run a module in JavaScript:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
It is possible to get the SCRIPT of some element .. EX:
<div id="form">
<div class="box">
<p>Pegar apartir da 'class="box"'</p>
get the complete code inside the id="form"...
I have a div of id = colors and inside it I have other divs with several classes
<div id="cores">
<div class="azul">conteúdo</div>
<div class="amarelo">conteúdo</div>
<div class="verde">conteúdo&...
I created a directive to move the cursor to the next field when it reaches the maximum size of characters, as follows:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.directive("moverProximoCampo", function() {
return {
I have an ajax code that makes a request in a php file, and in this php file has only one
echo json_encode ('test')
In return, the string "teste"NULL , always with this NULL is returned, after any return.
$.getScript("func2.js", function() {
<div class="teste1" style="color: red"><div>
<div class="teste2"><div>
Why did he only enter once?
I need to do a Javascript function that changes all words found inside a website. I've tried something like this:
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var txt = elements.replac...
I am using off() in an element to disable its functionality and need to enable it again with on() . But it is not working when on() is executed ...
Here's the code, I'm trying to prevent a form from being sent 2 times when...