Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Identify URLs and create links

If I have text, for example:    Visit to get your questions answered. How do I identify the URL and link to it: Acesse o <a href=""></a> para tirar suas dúvidas...
asked by 10.04.2014 / 18:48

Text Paging

How to page text with JQuery? I have a large text of about 5000 characters and I need to make it stay in about 5 pages with the option of NEXT PAGE and PREVIOUS PAGE, I researched and found no tutorial on the subject, only plugins that do this,...
asked by 19.06.2014 / 22:15

How to create a tab menu with JavaScript?

I have a menu that in case the user select the option it will changing, etc! The problem is that it leaves all other programs open when you access one. Menu: <body onLoad="AlternarAbas('td_usua','div_usua')"> <table width="945" hei...
asked by 01.07.2014 / 15:18

How to allow to enter only "yes" or "no" with RegExp in an input?

What is the regular expression to allow you to only type yes or no in a field.? It is allowing you to repeat the characters and can not. $('body').on("keyup",".logical",function(){ $(this).unbind('keyup').bind('keyup',function(e){ //vou bus...
asked by 03.12.2014 / 20:57

How to give replace RegExp in editable div using Javascript?

I have an editable% color where I can capture the whole text inside it. Dai I want that in every occurrence of a certain word that word be replaced by another. Very simple. The code I tried did not work. It itself works only that the output...
asked by 24.12.2014 / 12:35

Using RegEX to get a certain value

Am I using this "string?" in regex ^\/(.*)\w+$ it detects values that start like this: /STRINGQUALQUER would like to get STRINGQUALQUER , what code do I use? I use jQuery.     
asked by 29.11.2014 / 16:39

Apply jQuery effect to the current HTML element?

I have the following code that when I put it to run, it gives display: none and display: block on all elements and I would like it to apply this effect only to the current element: //jQuery $( ".titulo" ).mouseover ( function() {...
asked by 02.09.2014 / 22:59

Text Translation Algorithm

I'm a beginner in JS I've already studied up to the loops section, so I stopped by to review everything I saw and do some exercises. I have made an algorithm that translates into English, Spanish and Portuguese a table with the tide schedul...
asked by 03.10.2014 / 00:40

How to execute a function when the mouse is on a certain element?

How to create a generic javascript function that runs only on the element the mouse is currently on?     
asked by 06.10.2014 / 23:42

How to improve a star rating code?

I have a website and certain points hold me, like this evaluation, is not very cool this script , someone fit can improve for me or tell me what can improve, to leave the code more organized, check if user selected some star, give error message...
asked by 15.12.2015 / 23:24