How do I get a div in return of AJAX , for example:
I write in the input a user, and sends the data by AJAX like this:
var xprocesso = $("#segundo").val();
Hello! My question is: What is the best way to go from a normal menu, with inline-block for example to a hamburger menu, that when you click the icon it opens the menu items, when the resolution does not support a menu in line?
Is there any g...
How can I get access to the second div with the id general as I tried in the script?
<div id="general">ds</div>
<div id="general">ds</div>'
Do you know of any web tools in Chrome or Firefox that autocomplete forms with random text for tests? I have a 35 field form and every time I submit for testing, I have to complete it again.
I need to make an application that shows the available units of a store on the map.
For example: There is a field where the user will enter their Neighborhood, City and City, based on this information I have to bring the next results in list...
Good evening, I'd like to know how I can hide and show my div with class clic as checkbox selected. I have several checkbox and as I select or deselect checkbox I want it to show the element and hide if I desel...
Let's say that on my site I have iframe reserved to load a possible external page, and this iframe is with display:none , as I could create in callback to fire at the end of loading this page, to make a...
Good morning, I have a input out of a form and I would like it when someone typed it and hit the enter key with some function, but I do not know how to do it.
<input type="text" value="texto" />
I'm using the jquery mask plugin in the input value.
The formatting I am using is the following '0,000'. I would like to know how to change the formatting to '0.000' when I select KG in 'select'.
$('.valor').mask('00.000.000,00', {