How to find the second id of something


How can I get access to the second div with the id general as I tried in the script?

<div id="general">ds</div>
<div id="general">ds</div>'

asked by anonymous 09.12.2014 / 19:32

1 answer


This is not possible * because IDs must be unique . If you need to identify more than one element with a name, use classes instead of IDs:

<div class="general">ds</div>
<div class="general">ds</div>
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('.general');

* In fact it is possible, as other answers and comments show. But you should never repeat the ID in HTML, and so I do not want to show you the hassles that allow you to select those elements with repeated IDs.

09.12.2014 / 19:33