Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Check execCommand operation in firefox ('Copy' command)

I'm having trouble verifying that firefox ran the element.execCommand ('Copy', false, null) command. This check is done correctly in Chrome (which does not allow) and in IE (which allows). Could you please help me out? The following par...
asked by 13.03.2015 / 20:06

How the node pool works

If, for the time being, my server does not receive many requests or is in development (only receives my test requests), does it make sense to decrease UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE ? If my server is receiving many requests, is there any ga...
asked by 23.06.2018 / 19:15

How to call function in JS only once

Well, I have the following problem: I am building a chat page, I am already receiving good messages, but when I enter this chat page I wanted it to automatically go down to the bottom of the page, where the most recent messages would be. Foll...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 16:33

Json API access problem with React

I'm trying to access the following Json variable in an API: page[0].infoBloco[0].tabela[0].dados[0].fonte.nome I'm getting the error: TypeError:[0] is undefined[Learn More] index.jsx:49 The Json API returns: [ {...
asked by 19.06.2018 / 15:36

Update part of web page with Electron. (Change only content and keep header, footer and fixed menu)

I am making an application using Electron, split the screen into header, footer, menu and content as it does in an ordinary web application. ThebuttonsneedtoperformtheactionsinthemainElectronwindowbutitisnotworkingandIdonotknowhowtosolveit.I...
asked by 19.10.2018 / 23:54

How do I move a div vertically using pure JS?

I was able to move horizontally using buttons (), and the onlcik method, however when I try to do the same however vertically using .style.bottom or and tried to change the increment however the position of my object does not change....
asked by 08.11.2018 / 22:02

What technique does this website use to consume all the processing power of the machine?

This site: link has a system to create an automatic equipment build, it will test all possible equipment until it reaches the conclusion of which was better in the character. There is an option to use more than 1 core of the processor, and whe...
asked by 18.11.2018 / 06:59

Classes, Mixins or the Two?

Currently in my projects I started using Classes in JS, mainly in cases related to a certain specific element, for example, User, all HTTP requests or methods related to it I usually isolate in two classes to facilitate reuse. In t...
asked by 13.11.2018 / 15:44

Is it possible to assign a value other than the value acquired from an OPTION in a SELECT when submitting the form to PHP?

Well, I think the title of this question has been confusing, but I'll try to get a better understanding of my problem. I'm developing a project with the CodeIgniter framework (I'm a beginner) where I have a php / html page with a form that co...
asked by 17.11.2018 / 19:19

Add a new item to the array list of names

When you click the button, the add () function should be triggered by adding a new item to the list of names based on the input name and rendering the new screen item together with the previous items. But it is creating a new list, I just want t...
asked by 17.11.2018 / 15:37