Questions tagged as 'javascript'


What is the best way to pass information to View?

I have the following code: public ActionResult AtualizaCliente(int id) { ViewBag.idFoto = new SelectList(dao.fotos, "idFoto", "Foto"); ViewBag.idInformacao = new SelectList(dao.informacoes, "idInformacao", "titulo");...
asked by 05.05.2015 / 04:27

Test if method removes item from list (Jasmine)

I have a method in a service that removes items older than 60 days from a list. self.removerAntigas = function () { var dataCorte = new Date(); var dataAux = dataCorte.getDate(); dataCorte.setDate(dataAux - 60);...
asked by 29.05.2015 / 18:41

How to translate jqGrid to 'en-br'?

I downloaded jqGrid from version 4.8.2 and tried to change the language from 'en' to 'en' always displayed the message 'undefined'. I copied the file with the information to 'en' and changed all the texts to 'en-br'. Below is the entire contents...
asked by 31.05.2015 / 15:38

How to Drag an image without jQuery [duplicate]

I would like to make the user be able to drag the image when clicking on it, however without using jquery for this, using pure JavaScript. I can get the mouse position on the screen, but I can not do the function for the image to be dragged. C...
asked by 26.05.2015 / 03:18

Capturing value of an asynchronous function in NodeJS

Hello, I have a problem that I have not found a solution yet. I have an array of values, in which I make a scan and for each value execute function that makes a request to dynamodb and returns a JSON. This request is asynchronous. With...
asked by 27.01.2015 / 23:01

How does the async attribute of Javascript work? [duplicate]

I was reading about the async attribute, which is used in the <script> tag, and I was curious and dubious about some things. According to the W3School :    A script that will be run asynchronously as soon as it is av...
asked by 26.01.2015 / 12:44

remaining characters textarea

I am writing this code which is to count the amount of characters remaining in a textarea. At first it seemed very simple and has enough documentation on the internet. But I realized that when I copy and paste some text into the textarea, the to...
asked by 04.02.2015 / 22:41

Is web tax printer possible? [duplicate]

I'm implementing a system for issuing invoices with fiscal printer in C #, but would like to know if the same is possible via web using JavaScript HTML, CSS etc. How would I do this? Through which tools and resources?     
asked by 27.01.2015 / 01:32

Is there a way to not populate HTML with policies?

Using the ng-click directive to get a click event on a link would look something like: <a ng-click="call('home')" href="#" title="ir para homepage">Home</a> But would not this be the same as using onclick="call('home...
asked by 26.11.2014 / 21:49

API with Javascript

I would like to know how do I make an API in the javascript language to return data like JSON. I need it so I want to make a mobile application.     
asked by 30.07.2015 / 00:38