Questions tagged as 'javascript'


Display data with Google Chart - Stacked

I'm using Google Chart - stacked to create a chart on my system. Until this part is working correctly, as can be seen in the example below: <script src="{%27modules%27:[{%27name%27:%27visualizatio...
asked by 07.12.2015 / 19:33

When is it useful to capture DOM events?

DOM events scroll through the document tree its target, with a capture phase and a bubbling phase. The default behavior when creating a listener with addEventListener is to treat the event in the bubbling phase. When is it useful to h...
asked by 15.06.2014 / 06:20

jQuery onLoad x jQuery onDomready

Every time I'm going to use JSFiddle I see options for initializing jQuery content via onLoad or onDomready . I tested with most scripts I wrote and there was no functional difference whatsoever. Searching on Google has seen th...
asked by 07.03.2014 / 13:21

How does Math.sqrt work in javascript?

Alright, I know that it returns the square root of a number. But what numerical operations does it do to bring this result?     
asked by 30.06.2015 / 14:41

Appearing text when typing in textarea

Consider the following example: I have a textarea which, when the user types something in it, a small text just below it should be displayed, and at a certain time after the user finishes entering his sentence, / p> I even got something h...
asked by 06.03.2014 / 21:49

Operator NOT (!)

Folks, I'm kind of wondering how exactly the not (!) operator works. I always get confused when using it because I'm not sure how to apply it. Does it only work with parameters like typeof ()? I always use the! = and I think technically can r...
asked by 24.10.2014 / 05:54

How to use a bracket name (brackets) in a jQuery selector?

What is the best way to call an element that has brackets in the name, using jQuery? HTML <div name="name[1]"></div> jQuery $('div[name=name[1]]'); //errado? $('div[name="name[1]"]'); //correto? $('div[name="name\[1\]"]...
asked by 12.12.2013 / 16:36

How to add the ninth digit, in a fixed way, using the jQuery Mask?

How to add the ninth digit in a fixed way using jQuery Mask ? $('#telefone').mask('(00) 90000-0000'); This way I use is only optional.     
asked by 19.06.2015 / 22:26

Adding a dynamically element with jQuery

I have set up the following structure in HTML: <form name="criaModelo" method='post' action=''> <label for="name"> <strong>Nome:</strong> <input name="nomeModelo" type="text"> </label> <h2&...
asked by 29.01.2014 / 04:52

Convert each first letter of each word to uppercase

I have the following question:    Write a titleize (text) function that converts each first letter of each word to uppercase.       ex: titleize ("this IS just A tExT"); // correct output - > (This Is Just A Text.) I was able to leave...
asked by 10.09.2014 / 18:48