Appearing text when typing in textarea


Consider the following example:

I have a textarea which, when the user types something in it, a small text just below it should be displayed, and at a certain time after the user finishes entering his sentence, / p>

I even got something here, see: jsfiddle

But typing text has a small effect that I do not like! The text gets kind of 'popping up and disappearing' too fast, I just want it to simply type in the text and stop it, with a delay in the meantime.

asked by anonymous 06.03.2014 / 21:49

5 answers


Put a .stop(true) before the animations: ( jsfiddle )

  $('#showedText').text('Just a test!')

.stop() for animations executed, using true as argument will also clear the queue of animations, avoiding that old animations are executed.

06.03.2014 / 21:56

Function that can be reused in n other textareas:

function mostratexto(el, txt, ms){
    var t;
        t = setTimeout(function(){
        }, ms);

Basically what the function is going to do is to shoot a timeout and remove the old timeout every time a key is pressed with textarea in focus, ie, it restarts the counter that will disappear with the text, preventing the text from "blinking."

Example: FIDDLE

06.03.2014 / 21:58

I am willing! And since it is completely different from the first abro as another answer:

You do not need to use jQuery: use CSS3 and, if you need to, Vanilla JS or its equivalent in jQuery:

Show text while textarea has focus does not need JS: ( jsbin )

#showedText {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s 1s;
#myTextarea:focus + #showedText {
  opacity: 1; transition-delay: 0;

Show text while textarea is being edited uses little JS: ( jsbin )

#showedText {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 1s 1s;
#showedText.editing {
  opacity: 1; transition-delay: 0;

JavaScript used - Vanilla JS:

var myTextarea = document.getElementById('myTextarea');
var showedText = document.getElementById('showedText');
myTextarea.addEventListener('keydown', function () {
  showedText.className += ' editing ';
  setTimeout(function () {
    showedText.className = showedText.className
      .replace(/(^|\b)editing(\b|$)/g, '');
  }, 500);

JavaScript used - jQuery or Zepto:

var showedText = $('#showedText');
$('#myTextarea').on('keydown', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 500);

Editing: As I wrote this code wall other people ventured into using CSS3, so I leave a tip to the author: use prefixfree .

06.03.2014 / 22:42

The html:

 <textarea onkeyup="stop()" onkeydown="start()">
 <span id="span" style="opacity: 0">digitando...</span>

o javascript:

 function start(){
   var span = document.getElementById('span'); = "1"; = "0.1s"
 function stop(){
   var span = document.getElementById('span'); = "0"; = "1.5s"
06.03.2014 / 22:22

In addition to using .stop() I've inserted setTimeOut() to control the "disappear" of the text

        $('#showedText').text('Just a test!').stop().fadeIn(700, "linear");
    setTimeout(function(){$('#showedText').stop().fadeOut(700, "linear");},2000);

You can see the code working here

06.03.2014 / 22:09