Questions tagged as 'javascript'


How to concatenate HTML within PHP

<options += '<option value="' + j[i].CodCidade + '">' + j[i].NomeCidade + '</option>'; I have this code and I want to add one more attribute after the NameCity, if anyone can help thank you. The code is HTML generated by Java...
asked by 07.01.2016 / 03:46

JavaScript Factoring

How to factor numbers in this form? 26 | 2 13 | 3 1 | My code is still incomplete: JSFIDDLE     
asked by 01.09.2014 / 07:41

Sort images by the height of each

I have a list of images with different dimensions. I wanted the images to be sorted from the smallest to the largest: the one that has height smaller was in the first and the height greater was last. Using only jQuery with HTML....
asked by 02.09.2014 / 19:48

How to create random audio playlist?

I need something like this function next() { Url = new Array; Url[0] = "/mp3/001.mp3"; Url[1] = "/mp3/002.mp3"; Url[2] = "/mp3/003.mp3"; Url[3] = "/mp3/004.mp3"; Link = Math.floor(Math.random() * Url.length); } <audio autoplay=...
asked by 28.09.2014 / 19:26

hyperlink mailto button

I have an HTML hyperlink to send mail through mailto: <a href="mailto:[email protected]?Subject=Hello%20again" target="_top">Send Mail</a> The problem is that in the source code it is possible to visualize the mail. How...
asked by 13.08.2015 / 13:11

Show items as selected by a select (HTML) [closed]

Good afternoon! I have a database with two tables, products and menus, the two tables are indexed through the CdCardapio field. I created a html select element that contains all the registered menus, so that when selected, for example, the "B...
asked by 15.09.2015 / 20:35

How to make them disappear & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp ;? [closed]

I have a div that will serve as a menu. The problem is that I get these weird characters to format the code and I did not put them there: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; These characters are not visible by code, but...
asked by 15.07.2015 / 12:41

Anchor to another page with scroll to content

I have a link on a page that will send me to another page, but I need it when the requested page loads, make a scroll for the content I want to focus on. If it was on the same page, it would not be a problem because I already do this a...
asked by 27.07.2015 / 21:37

Is it possible for a JavaScript function to call a method that is in the code behind the page?

I have a button and I wanted to program click of it, and when I use <asp:Button> I program click of it in code behind . I'm now using a button normal. I know almost nothing about JavaScript and wanted to pro...
asked by 11.09.2015 / 20:51

Mask for Note Field - 10 or 5.5

I'm looking for a script in jQuery to make a mask: When you type 10 , the format field for 10,0 and when it is another note such as 6,5 , leave it. As an example below. I need you to delimit the moment you typ...
asked by 16.09.2015 / 14:58