JavaScript Factoring


How to factor numbers in this form?

26 | 2
13 | 3
1  | 

My code is still incomplete: JSFIDDLE

asked by anonymous 01.09.2014 / 07:41

4 answers


Following the logic of factorization I came to this function:

function Calcular(nr) {
    var partes = [];
    while (nr > 1) {
        for (var i = 2; i <= nr; i++) {
            if (nr % i) continue;
            partes.push([nr, i]);
            nr = nr / i;
    partes.push([1, '']);
    return partes;

Some examples would be:

Calcular(4); // "[[4,2],[2,2],[1,""]]" 
Calcular(3); // "[[3,3],[1,""]]" 
Calcular(5); // "[[5,5],[1,""]]"
Calcular(6); // "[[6,2],[3,3],[1,""]]"
Calcular(8); // "[[8,2],[4,2],[2,2],[1,""]]" 

Then assembling the HTML depends on how you want the final format. Assuming we use the same table here is a suggestion:

jsFiddle: link

01.09.2014 / 18:57

NOTE: I do not know if you put your example wrong, since 13 is not divisible by 3 or if that's what you want it to be displayed. If it is said that I update my answer.

I will write in C , since I do not know JS, but it should be very similar and, more important, simpler than the code you posted.

The first thing is that you will need a list of prime numbers to do the factoring. If you do not already have the list in hand, you can use an algorithm to generate this list for you. A classic way, in the literal sense of the word, since it was "invented" by Erastosthenes some 2000 years ago , is as follows:

  • We set a limit number to find primes up to it ( N ).
  • We declare a list L containing N values true . That    list, at the end of the algorithm, will obey the following relation:
    • If L[i] == true , if and only if i is a prime number.
  • Now, proceed as follows:
    • We set L[0] and L[1] to false , since both 0 e 1 are not prime.
    • From i = 2 , if i is prime ( L[i] == true ), we mark all their multiples as non-prime. That is, we do L[2*i] = false , L[3*i] = false , etc.
  • This, in C , can look like this:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #define N 1000 /* Nosso limite */
    bool L[N + 1];
    void peneira() {
        /* Primeiro marcamos todos como true */
        memset(L, true, sizeof(L));
        /* Agora o 0 e o 1 não são primos */
        L[0] = L[1] = false;
        /* A parte mágica */
        for (int i = 2; i <= N; ++i) {
            if (L[i]) {
                /* Se i é um numero primo, seus múltiplos não são */
                for(int k = i + i; k <= N; k += i){
                    L[k] = false;
    int main() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
            if (L[i]) {
                printf("%d e primo\n", i);
        return 0;

    Running this, output e:

    2 e primo
    3 e primo
    5 e primo
    7 e primo
    11 e primo
    13 e primo
    17 e primo
    19 e primo
    23 e primo
    29 e primo

    That is, all cousins up to 30 .

    Now that we have all the cousins up to our N limit, we can factor any number:

    void fatora(int num) {
        /* Vou calcular o numero de digitos de num para imprimirmos
         * bonitinho como no seu exemplo */
         int tamanho = floor(log10(num)) + 1;
         int primo = 2;
         while (num > 1) {
             /* Enqto num e divisivel por primo */
             while (num % primo == 0) {
                 printf("%*d | %d\n", tamanho, num, primo);
                 num /= primo;
             /* Agora vamos para o proximo primo */
             while (L[primo] == false) {
         /* Imprimimos a ultima linha */
         printf("%*d | \n", tamanho, 1);

    Finally, if we run

    int main() {
        return 0;

    The output will be:

    26 | 2
    13 | 13
    1  | 
    01.09.2014 / 14:42

    I found the internet. I have not tested it, but it seems to work:

    function fator(numero) {
       if (isNaN(numero) || !isFinite(numero) || numero%1!=0 || numero==0) return ''+numero;
       if (numero<0) return '-'+fator(-numero);
       var minFator = lFator(numero);
       if (numero==minFator) return ''+numero;
       return minFator+'*'+fator(numero/minFator);
    function lFator(numero) {
       if (isNaN(numero) || !isFinite(numero)) return NaN;  
       if (numero==0) return 0;  
       if (numero%1 || numero*numero<2) return 1;
       if (numero%2==0) return 2;  
       if (numero%3==0) return 3;  
       if (numero%5==0) return 5;  
       var m = Math.sqrt(numero);
       for (var i=7;i<=m;i+=30) {
          if (numero%i==0)      return i;
          if (numero%(i+4)==0)  return i+4;
          if (numero%(i+6)==0)  return i+6;
          if (numero%(i+10)==0) return i+10;
          if (numero%(i+12)==0) return i+12;
          if (numero%(i+16)==0) return i+16;
          if (numero%(i+22)==0) return i+22;
          if (numero%(i+24)==0) return i+24;
       return numero;

    Source: Javascriper

    01.09.2014 / 13:06
    function fatoracao(aNumIn) {
    var aRetorno = [
        [1, 1]
    pFator = 1;
    while (aNumIn != 1) {
        pVezes = 0;
        while (aNumIn % pFator == 0) {
            pVezes += 1;
            aNumIn /= pFator;
        if (pVezes) aRetorno.push([pFator, pVezes]);
    return aRetorno;
    let aIn = Math.pow(2, 5) * Math.pow(3, 2) * Math.pow(11, 1) * Math.pow(17, 2) * Math.pow(29, 1);
    console.log(aIn, " >>>>  ", fatoracao(aIn));
    // 26551008 ' >>>>  ' [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 11, 1 ], [ 17, 2 ], [ 29, 1 ] ]

    Well, the above code returns a factored vector. Now you can format the output as you wish ...

    15.10.2017 / 18:51