Questions tagged as 'javascript'


I can not return another field other than the primary key using $ project

I'm starting in MongoDB and would like to do a query on my bank like: Which animals got sick in the year 2016? Using $ group and $ project: db.animais.aggregate([ {$unwind : "$doencas" }, {$project : { year : {$year : "$doencas.data_di...
asked by 10.12.2016 / 17:09

Jquery animation manually

I would like to have an idea how I can make a type of SLIDE now with user interaction. I can not find something on the internet to build on, and I have no idea how to do it! In the code I have a class slide1 that makes onclic...
asked by 07.11.2016 / 19:13

How to search for markers already created on a map - Google Maps

I have a map where a number of Markers already exist. In this map I need to go get all the markers, and show a listing with the markers visible to the user, to make a small list of data similar to this example . How can I load all markers cr...
asked by 20.12.2016 / 13:37

JSON object sharing between different clusters

Good afternoon, I would like to know how do I share a JSON object between different clusters. I currently have 3 clusters listening to three different ports. It is necessary to have an object saved in memory so that the three clusters can access...
asked by 01.12.2016 / 17:15

How to reload the page after the message close using Hubspot Messenger (). run ()?

I'm doing an MVC app and need to do a reload after the message close (successful or not). How can I do this? CodePen for testing: link HTML: <button class="btn btn-danger deleteButton" id="btnAction" data-url="https://jsonplacehol...
asked by 09.01.2017 / 18:05

Error while validating login and redirecting to home

I'm using wamp 2.4 and trying to implement a login in AngularJS. However, when I click the submit button the refresh of the page occurs but it does not change to home . The session is always saved even though the user and password are...
asked by 11.04.2015 / 03:43

How to merge an already mined file with grunt-contrib-uglify

The situation is as follows, I'm using grunt-contrib-uglify to mine the javascript for my project in a single file, the problem is that one of these files is already mined, and uglify does not add it to my target file, causing syntax error i...
asked by 13.03.2015 / 21:39

Access through JavaScript / Jquery an element that came from AJAX after the DOM LOAD

I am developing a WEB APP with AngularJS, there is an element that is coming to the DOM after its loading, I am trying to write an event: $('elemento').click() But when you finish rendering the page the element does not yet exist because it...
asked by 16.04.2015 / 00:33

Color part of a circle SVG

I'm creating a circle in SVG. With a for loop, I want to create multiple lines to color a certain part of the circle, without going over it (for example half the circle.) The x1 and y1 line points always have the same value,...
asked by 17.04.2015 / 17:18

Loading old libraries in RequireJS

What is the best way to configure old libraries that were not built using the AMD specification? I am referring to libraries that were not defined with the define () statement. In this case, I'm trying to load the JQuery 1.4 library. I read...
asked by 02.03.2015 / 21:56