Questions tagged as 'javascript'


get word in given coordinate (x, y)

I am formatting a document for printing and I need to add a page break + header and footer in certain coordinates, if the coordinate is in the middle of the paragraph I need to divide it. I can already do the inserts by manually entering the pos...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 21:34

jquery function not being recognized on page

My situation looks like this: I have an ASP page that assembles a table. And I have another one, also in ASP that has some functions, which do the following. It provides an html for popular to table. I put a modal jquery and it gives error. It s...
asked by 04.08.2015 / 23:05

Display hidden div according to the value of a Dropdown

I'm not aware of javascript and would like to know how I can make a div appear according to a capo's dropdown value. Example: Imagine a dropdown with values from 1 to 10. if we choose a note < that 8 it show a div     
asked by 03.08.2015 / 04:08

Google Maps with multiple markers from the database

I have a code where it takes the longitude and latitude from where you are and places it on a map. I need to have all the latitudes and longitudes of the database with markers on each of these points appear on this map. My code is in Codeigniter...
asked by 11.08.2015 / 14:21

Get event click inside of iframe with jQuery

I'm using Google Forms to do a satisfaction survey on a website. On this site I show a bar at the top, asking the user to participate. If it closes the message, a cookie that expires in 24 hours is saved so that it no longer sees the message o...
asked by 21.08.2015 / 03:35

How to access a value that was put via JavaScript from a site via VBA?

I'm trying to access the values that appear on the site: link I was unable to access the values either by direct hyperlink in excel, or by creating a querytable via VBA. Of the two modes the values do not return. Searching the internet, I s...
asked by 10.06.2015 / 21:09

Date formatting works in Chrome and does not work in Internet Explorer, or vice versa, with MVC C #

If I use it in the template [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:dd'/'MM'/'yyyy}")] public DateTime data { get; set; } It works fine in IE but does not work in Chrome . When I open the edit form, instead...
asked by 18.05.2015 / 17:10

Refresh DB table when clicking on a li element

I'm developing a mobile application using jqMobile and Ruby. How to update a database table by clicking on an item in a list. My list is generated like this: <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-filter-theme="a" data-divider-...
asked by 01.06.2014 / 17:42

How do I convert formdata to json?

I have the following code: var form = new FormData(); form.append('user',$("#user").val()); form.append('password',$("#password").val()); var data = JSON.stringify($(form).serialize()); but the var 'date' is getting null, look at the exampl...
asked by 16.05.2017 / 15:56

Validate field name - Jquery

I would like to know how do I validate a field name, to accept:    Letters (Uppercase and Lowercase)    Numbers    Spaces    Maximum 30 characters    There can be no double space    There can be no space at the beginning and at the end...
asked by 05.04.2017 / 02:08