Questions tagged as 'java'


How to create a vector whose indices are characters of an informed string?

I wanted to create a vector in java in which each index of the vector was a character of a string that I / public static void main(String[] args) { String[] words = {"java"}; System.out.println("\n"+words[3]); //para dar um print na...
asked by 14.11.2017 / 01:17

What is the concept of signed integers in a programming language?

I would like to clarify the meaning of the term "signed integer". I'm researching on protocols, to build one in Java, and over and over meeting the term. I do not know what it's all about. I've always heard of primitive types, for example...
asked by 10.06.2017 / 23:48

Hibernate is considered white box or black box?

As far as I understand the frameworks, Black box are known for their ease of use since it is not necessary to understand what goes on inside it to use, and the white box > otherwise, a knowledge of the framework's internal framework is requi...
asked by 25.06.2016 / 22:33

How to order hours

I have the following method to sort a% String of Hours String: public static void ordenaHoras() { ArrayList<String> horasList = new ArrayList<String>(); horasList.add("23:45"); horasList.add("11:13");...
asked by 09.06.2016 / 23:01

How to make application running in the background all the time

I tried to use Service as they said but it is not working yet. I do not know if I understand correctly, will the onStartCommand() method run all the time? Because I've debugged and the application only goes into this method once, w...
asked by 25.06.2016 / 05:22

How to use arrays in Java?

It's a very early question (I'm new to Java, I came from C ++). I have to make a program that takes 4 notes of 10 students, but when I play with the "pointers" (arrays), my program returns an exception: import java.util.Scanner; class Aluno {...
asked by 08.02.2014 / 15:03

Access items from a stack using for

I'm trying to access a position forward in the stack to make a comparison, but it's not working and I could not understand this for . Code for ( String UmToken : PilhaTokens) { System.out.println(UmToken); } Comparison I wante...
asked by 08.04.2016 / 22:27

Definition of EJB

Please forgive me for the generic subject, but I have been researching for a long time in a number of places and have not found anything that would satisfactorily explain what an EJB really is and what it does. I am adept at using real exampl...
asked by 09.06.2014 / 22:52

How do I check if a directory exists in Java?

I'm trying to check if a directory entered in a JTextField exists or not. I tried to use Files.notExists() but the first argument must be of type Path and I could not figure out how to convert from String . String ca...
asked by 25.03.2014 / 20:10

Decoder for CAPTCHA

I need to turn a captcha into text, and be specific, to download NFE from the #     
asked by 04.04.2014 / 14:28