Questions tagged as 'java'


Going to a certain tab

This is my menu: <p:menubar> <p:submenu label="Clientes"> <p:menuitem value="Cadastro" action="#{nomeBean.cadastrar} outcome="funcionario.xhtml" /> <p:menuitem value="Consulta" action="#{n...
asked by 30.10.2014 / 16:15

How to prevent moving the cursor in a jFormattedTextfield with mask?

I have a field formatted as follows: '### ### ###' When I click on the field that contains this mask sometimes the cursor stays in the middle or where I click. Example: '## | # ### ###' Is there any way to prevent the cursor from being...
asked by 31.10.2014 / 18:07

Problems connecting to an RMI server

At server RMI I have the following settings: Registry r = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(rmiport); r.rebind(rminame, h); System.out.println("Servidor RMI pronto:"); where, rmiport = 7000 and rminame=sistemas On the cl...
asked by 24.10.2014 / 15:55

HTML - Use HttpURLConnection to log in to site

I'm trying to login to a site using HttpURLConnection, as shown in the code below, taken from the mkyong website: private final static String USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401"; private v...
asked by 23.10.2014 / 16:10

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.area () 0)

I'm having the following error with the OpenCV library in Java: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ssize.area ()> 0) in cv :: resize, file ........ \ opencv \ modules \ imgproc \ src \ imgwarp.cpp, line 1834 p> Code: Mat img = new Mat();...
asked by 24.10.2014 / 04:06

Add buttons in the action bar when using ListActivity?

Well I have an application that would like to keep the default format on all screens, I have a quick access menu with some items in the action bar, and another complete menu option. The problem is that since I'm using ListActivity this...
asked by 28.10.2014 / 11:30

Error in ManyToMany relationship in Hibernate

I have a problem with @manyToMany . It's giving the error:    org.hibernate.loader.MultipleBagFetchException: can not simultaneously fetch multiple bags Follow my template: @Entity @Table(name = "sar_evento", schema = "sar") @Sequ...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 20:46

How to take parameter from within the popup?

I have a screen where I hide the pages, and when I clicked on the page it opens a pop up where I can enter the value of the pages instead of going through. The page is nothing more than the ID of my values in the database, and I only write wha...
asked by 23.10.2014 / 15:55

Get revision history in Google Drive with Java from NetBeans

I need to get Google Drive review history. I visited the Drive developers website and I saw that you can do this with several languages. I want to do with Java and use NetBeans and the history I want is that of Google Docs. The code is ready to...
asked by 24.10.2014 / 14:04

Pass JSP value to Action

I have the following jsp below, in it the user chooses the state, while choosing the state my javascript shows in an alert with the information I want to pass to the Action to follow the validations and takes the user to another action " -stat.d...
asked by 21.10.2014 / 15:45