Questions tagged as 'java'


AlertDialog with internal keyboard [closed]

I'dliketoknowhowtocreateaAlertDialogliketheimage(withkeyboard)onAndroid.Thankyou.Keyboard:                            <Buttonandroid:id="@+id/dois" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_conten...
asked by 15.03.2015 / 04:22

Exception while deleting directory using FileUtils.deleteDirectory

The directory has 6 files inside it. The exception that occurs is Unable to delete file: tmp \ umDosArquivos. Manually, I can delete all files and directory. I used the canWrite method of File to see if there was any lock, b...
asked by 19.03.2015 / 12:39

Create service versions rest

I'm creating rest services with Java (Jersey). This service tends to grow and evolve, and may undergo changes in existing routines, so I believe the best route would be to create production versions so clients do not break with the changes....
asked by 05.07.2016 / 20:09

Error closing the java android service [closed]

I have a service running in the background that closes after a while after closing the app. I do not want the service to shut down as the app Service: public class GpsService extends Service { public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION =...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 17:08

How to refresh on another page after entering data in the bank

I am creating a system of attendance where there is a screen only to display the passwords that are being registered in the database. The problem is that I can not update the passwords in real time, because I'm calling them from another page,...
asked by 03.05.2016 / 16:35

How to store data from a .txt file in an object - Java

I'm a beginner in programming and I'm making a small application that should register products, delete, edit, organize, track inventory, cost price, sales price, profit margin, etc. So far I've been able to get a .txt file to store the object...
asked by 16.12.2015 / 03:36

Web Services sharing on different projects

I have 2 projects, using RestFull Jersey: ProjectX ProjectY And the User module, this module is responsible for making GET, POST, REMOVE to manipulate User information. This module is shared between these projects. But written in d...
asked by 19.05.2016 / 16:30

Checkout Cielo - certificate error

I'm deploying your java checkout solution on my local machine for testing purposes. The code I'm using is available in the Sky Developer area. . Follow the code: public String envia() { String responseLine = ""; try { S...
asked by 24.03.2016 / 18:29

How does constructor inheritance work in Java?

In Java when one class inherits from another it is necessary to initialize the constructor of the parent class, right? using super() and passing to this super() the parameters that the parent constructor asks for. Parent class e...
asked by 02.01.2015 / 21:50

How to get the color of a pixel on the screen in JAVA 2D game?

Is there any way to get the color of a pixel at the x and y coordinates of the screen that I specify?     
asked by 15.06.2014 / 00:05