Questions tagged as 'java'


How to read the specifications of a Web Service REST [closed]

Hi, I need to create a project with consists of consuming a web service REST, where consuming this web service I need to generate an XML with the information / specifications of it, what are your methods, method return types, method parameter...
asked by 27.10.2014 / 19:57

Distinguish nodes in a tree TRIE [closed]

I have a TRIE tree with several words (dictionary function), on the node that is the last character of the word I need to have a "type" inside this node. I need to distinguish what kind of word is each, so I need something that at the end of eac...
asked by 29.07.2014 / 14:37

Problem with large size JSON on android [closed]

I'm getting a JSON file from a WebService, this file comes with the approximate size of 5.7M, so when I'm going to convert your content to JsonArray using the Gson library, it gives me the error: com.go...
asked by 12.08.2014 / 14:22

Problems with character that comes in NDefMessage NFC

I'm doing a program that exchanges messages by NFC, and I'm having a problem that when I want to pass a Parameters in the message everything seems correct now when I want to pass 2 parameters, then there is one that always appears with character...
asked by 25.02.2014 / 17:06

How do Hibernate Search sort the result of a search?

I have a indexed search with Hibernate Search but I can not get Hibernate Search sort the search result by the order of a particular column , such as the column name. But there is a quirk . When the search is done using some term, the r...
asked by 21.03.2014 / 19:03

Make json format insert in mysql and recover in Java [closed]

I have the following String in the format json : { "ADT":"0", "CHD":"0", "INF":"0" } I need to insert in a table in mysql database and retrieve this in Java . I'm using VARCHAR (50) and looks like this: { "ADT":"0", "CHD":"0",...
asked by 09.09.2014 / 17:45

Send local files to Google Cloud Storage in Scala

How do I upload a local file to Google Cloud Storage using the Scala language? This file needs to be publicly accessible for download. in English     
asked by 28.08.2014 / 05:17

How to maintain the layout of components created by WindowBuilder in eclipse after compilation?

I created a JFrame using the Eclipse WindowBuilder plugin. Spacings, sizes and patterns were defined. However when compiling the project the standards are lost. Below the 2 photos for comparison. Here is the JFrame Preview. JFrameaftercomp...
asked by 25.03.2015 / 13:20

Printed directly in Java

I need to create a form for a thermal printer (non-fiscal), in which case I thought about creating a JasperReports form, but Jasper searches the database for the information and wanted to get the information directly from my system before sendin...
asked by 31.03.2015 / 19:42

Best way to communicate the Application with the Server [duplicate]

I'm developing an application that needs to communicate with the server (send and receive data). What would be the best way to do this data exchange with security and performance? Through REST / WEB SERVICE, Sockets, HTTP request or some more...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 18:30