Questions tagged as 'java'


How to leave the Android Studio interface in Portuguese?

It seems a bit lazy of me (it really is), but I'm not able to leave the android studio interface in Portuguese.     
asked by 16.11.2016 / 21:38

Spring Security Oauth2 in API Rest

Good morning. I have a Web Service Rest implemented and I am working on the security of the same one at the moment. This Web Service was implemented using Spring Boot. Initially I will have clients as an Android Application and a Web Appli...
asked by 21.11.2016 / 14:58

Validation with Spring MVC

Talk about beauty? Well, I started to study Spring for Algaworks courses recently and today I came across a problem, it is the following: I have a form that shows me a list of employees, and how it was passed in the course, I also have...
asked by 15.12.2016 / 00:53

Problem with multithreading crawler using jsoup

Hello, I'm developing a multithreading crawler, each job (thread) deals with X sites to parse certain content with the jsoup lib. The sites are all accessible. The problem is that the final results is never the same. That is, when I run the c...
asked by 08.12.2016 / 22:26

Implications of @Autowired in builder and out

When working with Spring I notice two patterns of using the @Autowired , declare inside the constructor and out. Builder @Service public class myService { private final PartnerRepository partnerRepository; private final RequestorR...
asked by 20.06.2017 / 19:11

Singleton - What is its function and definition? [duplicate]

I gave a researched on, until I saw some videos but, I did not quite understand the function or even how it works within Java programming. I'm working on a project and a friend recommended me to understand about Singleton to make the login scr...
asked by 21.06.2017 / 13:12

Bcrypt in java and php does not match

I have a Php application that registers a person and when the person poe the password, the password is stored in the database in hash form, with the following code password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT) Then, I have an application in Jav...
asked by 16.06.2017 / 15:23

Master-detail in MVC Spring

I have a user screen, the same is with all the functions of crud, my next step is to implement the inclusion of rules, as I come from a desktop environment very much to use a grid, here in html it would be a table, I looked for information of ma...
asked by 10.05.2017 / 17:16

Error to gradle build in PagSeguro API - Java [closed]

I am trying to implement the Secure Pag API on my system, I was looking at the step by step that it asks to download the repository in GitHub, then access the source folder and then run the following command% and then import the libs into th...
asked by 06.05.2017 / 16:19

Select * from Table and No Select * from EntityName - JPA JAVA

My query was built like this, but when it asks: @Query(value = "SELECT FROM CursoTurno AS CT LEFT JOIN Curso AS C ON = CT.curso_id INNER JOIN Turno AS T ON = CT.turno_id WHERE...
asked by 05.05.2017 / 13:36