Validation with Spring MVC


Talk about beauty? Well, I started to study Spring for Algaworks courses recently and today I came across a problem, it is the following:

I have a form that shows me a list of employees, and how it was passed in the course, I also have a registration and editing form that is the same. Dai thought of doing a modal that would serve as a registration and editing form, so I tried to do it and I found it, the modal is working 90%, the validations are being done in JQuery , registering, showing success message and everything , but here comes the problem.

I do not know if you know how to validate the server with Spring , the course taught us to do so:

@RequestMapping(value="/novo", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String salva(@Validated Funcionario funcionario, Errors errors, RedirectAttributes attributes){      
    if (errors.hasErrors()) {
        return "redirect:/saboia/funcionarios";
    }else{         ;         
        attributes.addFlashAttribute("mensagem","Funcionario Salvo com Sucesso!");          
        return "redirect:/saboia/funcionarios";

That is, if the form has errors like it is being shown there in the first if, then I would give a redirect to the specified controller, however, the redirect would terminate the registration request, so all data would be lost. / p>

As the registration form is no longer a page specifies how it was before so I could give a redirect so I was kind of lost, How do I make the server validations come up to my modal?

asked by anonymous 15.12.2016 / 00:53

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