I can not do the Data Listing. You are giving the "Error processing request", Servlet Path: /pages/dados.jsp
Path Info: null
Query String: null ... I do not know what it is. Grateful for any help.
Note: I'm starting with the back end, my beach i...
I created a project using JAX-RS to make a web service REST and it works, I can access the result in a resource and everything else but it looks like this:
"carroes": {
"carro": [
"@id": "1",
"modelo": "Gol",...
My Problem:
I have an ArrayList of an object that represents the number of rows in my JTable, of the model class.
Well, all other methods are working, perfectly, the problem is remove () I have no idea why Exception is giving up the last elem...
I'm a few years old with a problem that I still can not solve completely today. When I add a TableRowSorter to a JTable automatically the columns can be ordered by clicking and thus I have a problem getting the correct index, yes a...
I have a Widget that only has one configuration screen but I want to add one more how can I do this? I know the first screen that appears is an Activity
I try to open with Intent normal but it does not work.
I made this Intent :
I am making an app and in a part of it the user can update the login data, it is only he enter the screen that the data is loaded and filled, automatically. The problem is that this is not really happening! The data is not coming! I already did...
I made a c ++ code to create a file:
My question is: Where does it save this file on my cell phone ???