Questions tagged as 'java'


How to use an image in android application that is saved on a web server?

I have an android application that selects an image of the SDCard and sends it to a webservice made in php that saves the image to a server and writes to the database (MySQL) the image path. What I wanted to do now is to take this image that is...
asked by 15.08.2017 / 21:39

How do I make a PDF file in the assets of my APP open by the native PDF reader of android? [duplicate]

I have an APP that needs to open some PDF files (laws) that should come along with the application. The idea is to call an Intent to open these PDF files by the native Android PDF reader itself or a PDF reader already installed on the phone...
asked by 26.06.2018 / 14:57

Direct information exchange between Android and Desktop [closed]

Personally I would like to know if it is possible for me to develop an app that communicates directly with another application that I have developed on the computer, without the need for a server or webService for the exchange of information. If...
asked by 04.08.2017 / 21:00

Data search

I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to do this in jsp. I want the client to type the word to search mysql database. Example leonardo dai I'll have multiple database names, only the client that will search the data base he typed wrong leotard a...
asked by 28.07.2017 / 01:38

Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference [closed]

Error: 09-12 17:13:09.088 26022-26022/costamilam.guilherme.contatosempresariais E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: costamilam.guilherme.contatosempresariais, PID: 26022 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke vir...
asked by 12.09.2017 / 22:26

Move Files After Upload FTP

My code uploads all images without a folder, and that's OK! But what does FTP need to do as images are sent to the path: "/storage/emulated/0/PicturesGRP/enviados"; , storing the uploaded images and avoiding to send an image again in the n...
asked by 03.01.2019 / 14:02

Insert a Splashscreen or imageView into crosswalk webview app

I have an application on crossview webview. as my site takes about 5 seconds to open on the screen, I thought of inserting a splashscreen or imageview (I do not know if it has any difference between the two - I'm still starting) and leave it app...
asked by 15.07.2017 / 00:03

Move the highest value of an Array to the end of it. [duplicate]

I need to create a method that takes the highest value of an Array and passes it to the end of that Array so that the array is sorted without losing any value. I've tried it in many ways and still can not. Please correct my code. My code:...
asked by 18.04.2018 / 19:24

Socket does not receive or send a message to the server

I'm implementing a Java multi-threaded server that receives messages from clients and makes a broadcast of them to others. But I'm having problems. The server only receives the messages sent to users when users' sockets are closed. The applic...
asked by 15.04.2018 / 00:00

scanning file with scanner

I would love to know if anyone can help me with this code below, in my application the user will frequently upload some files and they have two information, number and name separated by -> ; but in the file I simulate some possible problems like...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 22:21