Questions tagged as 'iframe'


Iframe alternatives [duplicate]

I would like to know what are the alternatives to replace an iframe. I have this code: <iframe src="noticia.html" width="550" height="400" scrolling="auto" style="position: absolute; left: 2%; top: 38%;"> </iframe>     
asked by 13.03.2015 / 18:25

Search for HTML within an iframe

I'm having trouble picking up the data from a table on Bovespa website , because they are within iframe and I am not able to access it through WebBrowser, I'm using windowsForm.     
asked by 25.03.2014 / 12:25

src iframe error

My code: <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6" *ngFor="let g of gag"> <div *ngIf="g.tipo == 2"> <iframe width="280" height="162" [src]="g.caminho" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen >...
asked by 29.10.2018 / 07:04

Change the Javascript Window.Open to open an Iframe

I have this javascript, and I want to do that instead of opening a new window, it opens an iframe. = "emanager"; function MostraBarra(){ if (document.incluir.balancete_arquivo.value != ""){'<%=BARRASTATUS%...
asked by 17.07.2018 / 00:39

Is it possible to change the "href" of the rel="stylesheet" link of an iframe, or even change the class / style of an iFrame element?

I need to change the CSS of a iFrame , but searching here, I discovered that it is not that simple, so I saw that the iFrame that I want to style has a <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/report.css" /> and it's in that...
asked by 02.07.2018 / 14:16

Doubt with Iframe

I would like a help with something apparently simple. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to load the contents of an Iframe only when it is available for viewing in the browser? That is, when the user arrives at that point? Is that this Iframe...
asked by 15.04.2018 / 00:16

Iframe in white

I need an Iframe on my site. My site has HTTPS protocol, and the Iframe source as well. So why does not my site display it? Both sites are certified. <!DOCTYPE html> <html class="no-js" lang="pt-br"> <head> <me...
asked by 30.11.2017 / 13:25

When calling an iframe inside a .php file, how to send a variable and receive it on the page pulled by the iframe?

I have an index.php page that contains the following script: <html> //cabeçalho... <div id="conteudo"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(this).on('load',function(){ var dadosLink = 'nada'; var mer...
asked by 16.09.2017 / 02:02

How to copy div from iframe to parent? (replicate) can be using ajax, jquery, javascript

I have an index.php which makes a post in conteudo.php, and takes the result and writes in the #contribed div within index.php. Post: <script type="text/javascript"> $(this).on('load',function(){ var dadosLink = 'nada...
asked by 15.10.2017 / 04:33

Fixing iframe video when scrolling page

Personal needed to implement a feature in my iframe of youtube that I inserted in my site I wanted that when it rolled the page appeared my youtube frame fixed in the right corner of the same screen of that site here I just have no idea...
asked by 25.08.2017 / 22:23