How to copy div from iframe to parent? (replicate) can be using ajax, jquery, javascript


I have an index.php which makes a post in conteudo.php, and takes the result and writes in the #contribed div within index.php.


<script type="text/javascript">

		var dadosLink = 'nada';
			method: 'POST',
			data:{ dados:dadosLink},
			success: function(data)
				error: function(data)


In the content. php, I have:

<?php require_once('Connections/Gymo.php'); 
$aba = $_POST['dados'];

 if ($aba == "nada") {
	echo "
	<IFRAME name=Destaques frameBorder=0 style=\"overflow: scroll; height: 100vh; width: 100vw;\"  scrolling=auto src=\"inicio.php?dados=".$aba."&mercado=".$mercado."&email=".$email."\">
<div align=\"center\"></div>


inside the iframe inicio.php, I have:

<div class = "conteudo" id = "conteudo"> Quero replicar esta div para index.php com o mesmo id </div>

My question: How do I get the contents of this div contained in the iFrame to be passed to the div #contento contained in index.php, replacing their values, whatever they are?

This action would have to happen when activating the iframe's ajax function: "$ (this) .on ('load', function () ..."

asked by anonymous 15.10.2017 / 04:33

1 answer


First you need to get all the content that comes within the iframe, in which case it is your div .

You can do it this way:

var iframeContent = $(data).text(); // aqui vai retornar todo conteúdo dentro do iframe

After that, get all content that is within your div of iframe and put it in div of destination.

var divContent = $(iframeContent).text(); // aqui temos todo o conteúdo da div do iframe

$("#conteudo").empty().html(divContent); // limpando a div de destino e colocando o conteúdo da div do iframe.
15.10.2017 / 05:08