Questions tagged as 'html'


Is there any tag that makes internet explorer work like other browsers?

Is there any tag that makes internet explorer work like other browsers? Like the grid display and stuff.     
asked by 11.06.2018 / 13:14

Requesting a .txt file via AJAX

I'm starting in my Javascript studies with interactions with the server, and right away I can not retrieve a text file to be shown via a Javascript alert. From what I've studied, the file must be on a server. In other words, to make a request on...
asked by 22.04.2015 / 23:37

Html version of IE

I've seen some codes on a site and I wonder if it's possible to do this Here any IE gets emulated with the 8      Now my doubt is: You can create this code as follows. If the user opens the page with IE9 emulated with 8, If open with 10 or 11...
asked by 24.03.2015 / 12:38

What should an HTML value attribute contain?

From a maintainability and organization perspective what should a value attribute contain? a number representing a word: <label><input type="radio" name="order" value="1">Masculino</label> <label><input type="radio"...
asked by 20.04.2015 / 20:30

Capture text within the option tag

I want to get the text that is inside the <option>TEXTO</option> tag. The situation is as follows: <select xmlns="" id="page1:form_section:form1:selectListCampus" name="page1:form_section:f...
asked by 10.04.2018 / 22:12

pass 2 parameters in button's OnClick event

I have the following code that I would like to pass the txtCodEmpreendedor and txtNameEmpreendedor IDs of the fields below as a parameter to the AddEprepresent / p> <script> function AdicionarEmpreendedor(codigo, item) {...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 21:26

Is there a problem with using two different bootstrap versions?

Well I have a problem, I have a project in Cordova that was using the bootstrap 3.3.7 but in this very I'm going to pass everything to the bootstrap 4.0.0, but I thought to leave the 2 in the project because each one has different css. I wonder...
asked by 07.03.2018 / 16:13

Convert image to CSS

Is it possible to convert the image below into css pure? If yes, how could I do this? Does anyone have an example? I also need to have that split, just like the image.     
asked by 09.03.2018 / 00:54

Concatenate string with Vue in href

I need to play this URL within href: http://localhost:62828/colecoes/channel.aspx?channelId=30271973&category=4 However, instead of channelId = 30271973 I need to concatenate with {{collection.Id}} Below my href: <h3 class="i...
asked by 23.02.2018 / 04:13

Create character pattern as in a CPF - Javascript

What I want to do is: type a CPF without points or dash and then add the dots and dash with JS, create a pattern. Example: I write 99999999999 and the system returns me 999.999.999-99. How do I do this in pure Javascript?     
asked by 17.02.2018 / 21:21