Questions tagged as 'html'


menu in Wordpress with 3 levels

I want to build a menu in Wordpress with 3 levels. This example has 2 levels, the parent and the child. I want the menu to have one more level, so I can create a 3-level menu with Wordpress. Below, to the left, a code that refers to two...
asked by 19.04.2018 / 15:04

Pop up to print, keeping the action values

I have a form that by pressing submit it takes the selected value and takes you to the destination page of the action and opens the page, but overlays the current page, I need to take these values from the form to the pop up page without the for...
asked by 19.04.2018 / 15:18

Create input of type = submit within the calendar code

Calendar code with checkboxes on each day of the month to book meals: <?php # PHP Calendar (version 2.3), written by Keith Devens function generate_calendar($year, $month, $days = array(), $day_name_length = 3, $month_href = NULL, $first_...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 12:20

insert in the table only the line that receives value in the date column

I have this code: <?php $result_cursos = "SELECT nome, Quarto FROM centrodb.utentes WHERE descricaovalencia = 'LAR' AND nome <> 'CLASSE' AND ativo = '1' ORDER BY nome ASC;"; $resultado_cursos = mysqli_...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 19:15

Radio alignment with image

I'm trying to center a radio item - selection "ball" with an image. But I've tried several features using CSS and I can not. Do you know which feature I can use to achieve this alignment? <tr> <!-- #### BUG: Arru...
asked by 21.03.2018 / 19:40

Error in post registration with empty text

The post registration code is this: <?php if(isset($_POST['cadastrar'])){ $titulo = trim(strip_tags($_POST['titulo'])); $data = trim(strip_tags($_POST['data'])); $descricao...
asked by 22.04.2018 / 06:07

How to activate event by clicking anywhere on the screen?

I have a CPF validation and this "event" is activated when I click the "validate" button. I wanted this "event" to be activated when the user clicked off the input, as he typed the CPF and clicked and anywhere on the screen, then this validat...
asked by 20.04.2018 / 14:41

Right div alignment

I'm not able to align the div's right in my mpdf report. Below is the print of the report and the code. Belowthecode:</head><styletype='text/css'>.dados_principais{border:1pxsolidblack;border-top:1pxsolidblack;border-radius:0.5em...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 14:39

Query system

I have this form to consult only for a period of time or just by the name of the client or to consult for a period of time and a specific client: <form method="POST" action=""> <strong>Data Início:</strong> <input type...
asked by 07.05.2018 / 11:46

How to have a unique id and then retrieve this id in php page to write to the bank

Hello, I created these functions that automatically create new multiple-choice questions on my page. I can create as many questions as I want, and in these answers I can have as many answers as I want. I want to write these answers and questions...
asked by 12.03.2018 / 18:01