Questions tagged as 'html'


Assigning more than one value to a checkbox

I have a relatively trivial doubt, but I have nowhere to find the solution. When I declare the following tag echo ' <tr> <td align="center">'.$skill.'<...
asked by 03.05.2018 / 14:34

Instead of the ajax command staying on the page, it is being directed to php page

$('#formCadastrarProdutos').submit(function() { $.ajax({ url: '../crud/cadastro_produtos.php', type: 'post', data: new FormData(this), cache: false, contentType: false, proce...
asked by 10.06.2018 / 00:34

Nav-bar logo moves when site is placed in full screen

I developed a fixed nav-bar with an image in the center also fixed, but when I put the site in full screen I realize that the logo also moves, how can I leave the logo fixed regardless of the height of the device screen? p> Follow the site's n...
asked by 02.05.2018 / 10:56

Clip Property

I'm using the clip property in a tag to make a cut in the bottom of it, however this image will be dynamic, the size of the width is fixed but the size of the height will be dynamic. So if I have an image with height: 1000px; an...
asked by 06.06.2018 / 20:38

Specify element to not receive properties of other main elements

I have a menu and I wanted to just specify an element so it does not receive the same properties applied to the others, in case the element would be #lk "PRODUCTS" it is getting all attributes that have been applied to other elements, but I inte...
asked by 06.06.2018 / 19:43

Soft Scroll Bootstrap

$(document).ready(function() { $(".scroll").click(function(e){ event.preventDefault(); $('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$(this.hash).offset().top},1000); }); }); .menu{background:#ff0;} .section-1{width:100%;height:100v...
asked by 06.06.2018 / 00:31

How to clone Divs from a past number of Select?

I need to create a select with values from 1 to N numbers. After the user selects a number in the select I have to clone the lote div from the selected value. Example: if I select the number 2 in the select, you have to clone two divs....
asked by 07.06.2018 / 15:38

Why do font-faces not work from one pc to another?

Hello! I created a website on a computer with external fonts, using the @ font-face tag. However, when I went to open the html document on another pc, the file did not load the fonts. I put the font-face and class to call it in html @font-f...
asked by 27.04.2018 / 05:04

How to group buttons inside a column in a table so that they do not change when the column is adjusted

I have a table that has 4 action buttons inside a cell of a column. When the names begin to get larger in size, the table starts to auto-adjust and in the Actions column the 4 buttons are released and some of them begin to descend to the bottom...
asked by 28.04.2018 / 21:22