I would like to know how do I adjust the alignment of a Table Heading <th> ? I do not know if it is possible to do this procedure as it is done for <tr> or <td> . I want to be able to do this to align the con...
My select is wrong. How do I view the dependents of this user: I have 1 user: (Mauro Santos) and 2 Dependents: (Thiago and Dhalila), how do I view it in view .
SELECT * FROM cad_lideranca WHERE numerocontrato = :numerocontrato...
It is possible with CSS to make the following code
.grupo-input input:hover .grupo-input span{
margin-top: -30px;
Where in the HTML it looks like this:
<label class="grupo-input">
I have the site exemplo.com , in it I use Bootstrap, I would like to add an / a each item in his navbar, like a breadcumb.
As if it were a breadcumb but in navbar.
Thank you in advance.
How can I rotate the text?
What I have:
I'mtryingtorotatebutctx.translatedoesnotworkright,see: Here'smycode:animation:{onComplete:function(){varchartInstance=this.chart;varctx=chartInstance.ctx;ctx.textAlign="center";...
Can I create a custom facebook button? I want it when I click on my custom button ( link ) happen exactly the same as what would happen if I click the default button to enjoy from Facebook. If so, how can I do this?
I tried to create a progressive and regressive counter to mark that tag is stopped.
el = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
var x = 0,
y = 0;
document.getElementById('menos').onclick = function() {
Good evening! I'm trying to remove the border that separates the columns from a table, but it does not work.
The table is this:
<table border="0">
<img src="http://depositodetudo.pe.hu/hospedagem3/...
Basically I would like to have a video player on my index.html page that passes all the videos that I have in a folder, ie if I delete or move another video to that folder, the video player passes all that there they are, whatever the tit...
I'm having trouble defining the style of inputs and selects. The text is misaligned / cut, as the figures below (first image in chrome and second in IE, in Mozilla is equal to chrome)
height: 25px;
border-radius: 0px;
border: 1px...