Questions tagged as 'html'


Text area with image

Hello, I'm going to make a form and I do not know how to do it to include an image inside the text area, something like that. TEXT TEXT IMAGE TEXT Something of a kind for the include user to know? As it is done here in stack ov...
asked by 02.06.2017 / 13:27

How to modify link in PHP code [closed]

The code snippet is this: <div class="menu-item" ui-sref="albums" ui-sref-active="active" href="/albums"><i class="icon icon-cd"></i> Álbuns</div> The idea was to link instead of going to "/ albums" to go to any othe...
asked by 05.06.2017 / 18:59

Create a SlideShow with Html and CSS only

<head><linkrel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <title>Projeto 01</title> <script> var slideIndex = 1; showDivs(slideIndex); function plusDivs(n) { showDivs(slideIndex += n);...
asked by 16.04.2017 / 02:48

Save to database or generate new html page?

To make a news portal. The administrator will power the system through an administrative panel. I'm working with php and mysql. The question is: generate an html file for every new news? Or save everything in the database? Both methods work, wha...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 04:47

How to put a CSS inside the html tag with URL?

I have this CSS that I would like to put in my form <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> However, when I put in <head> the CSS of the entire page is changed (obviously that wo...
asked by 27.06.2017 / 16:39

Put in Required function

I want the text box to be mandatory in order to fill it out, can you help? <html> <body> <p>Please input a number between 1 and 10:</p> <input id="numb"> <button type="button" oncl...
asked by 15.09.2017 / 13:31

Enter value "X" after some characters

In my form, you have textarea and would like to add the character X , without submitting the page, every 10 characters typed. Example: AAAAAAAAAA**X**BBBBBBBBBB**X**EEEEEEEEEE**X**12345678.... As the user typed in, he would...
asked by 20.09.2017 / 21:32

Div CSS with CSS [closed]

I need to make a div that looks like the image below: Itriedtodobackgroundimage,butitismoredifficulttoposition,asintheimagebelow: Theproblemistomakethisareamarkedintheimagebelow: .nav-tabs>>a, .nav-tabs>
asked by 06.12.2016 / 16:29

how to change an image src from another page

Hello, I have an input where it serves as a search bar. When entering a name and pressing enter, a function is activated and performs the following function: function verificaValor(){ var valor = $('#search').val(); switch (valor) {...
asked by 20.11.2016 / 04:50

I can not edit wordpress HTML

I'm editing a site made on but this site was created a few years ago, I can modify the html the way I want, upo on the server and the site starts to run with my modifications, which are minimal, I changed some images and text. At t...
asked by 30.11.2016 / 14:11