Questions tagged as 'html'


How do I make this table responsive to mobile using only html programming?

The code of the site on the computer is ok, but in the furniture the columns are very thin and with the visibility very bad, I tried to solve in several ways the responsibility in the mobile and I only managed using the overflow command, but I w...
asked by 06.07.2018 / 10:24

Effect parallax on DIV

I'm having trouble adding a parallax (or identical) animation to my slide show when I scroll down my page. I was able to do this, but only with background images using the background-attachment: fixed; property. Does anyone have a...
asked by 16.08.2018 / 14:09

Navigation using keyboard arrows

I need to navigate through the DOM using the arrow keys. I can perform it when it goes only in two directions (up or down, front or back), but to move in the four directions I did not find a shape. I need this navigation to take into account onl...
asked by 21.08.2018 / 01:32

doubt select with modal

I'm having trouble performing an action on my site. I have a select with some options, I need to select one of the options and give submit on a button, doing so would have to open a modal popup? That is, I selected the option, clicked on t...
asked by 09.03.2018 / 13:53

Is it correct to mix PHP code with HTML? [duplicate]

I'm restarting my studies in IT and I have this doubt. In the course I'm doing the examples show the php code mixed and inserted into the html code. Is this really what works in practice? I have a flea behind my ear telling me this is not good...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 19:04

animation on the main page

It includes a start animation of my project (example "welcome") and then go to the main home, but in case it gets 2 together ... Is it possible?     
asked by 10.04.2018 / 04:28

How to close JS menu by clicking the link?

So, I'm trying to make a mobile / pc menu, that by clicking the icon it occupies the whole screen, and when scrolling the page and it goes together .. And for that, I used some fixed functions in css, so far it's okay. Only when I use the fixed...
asked by 20.05.2018 / 08:04

Keep the form open when sending data to the table

I have this code with several forms within the same page: test1 page: <select id="mudar_produto"> <option value="#produto_1">Novo Produto Higiene</option> <option value="#produto_2">Entrada de Prod...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 10:15

Register multiple fields 1 at a time

I need to insert a "line" at a time from a table, as in the image example below: .Iwillfilloutthisformandneedtoregistertheforminthebank.ButIneedtoberegisteredonelineatatime.Forexample:(Monday,08:30,16:30,30),dps(Tuesday,08:30,16:30,30).Thisi...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 15:28

How to load data from the selected item?

Context: Home How to load data from a selected template? Is JavaScript required? If so, should the code be in an external file or in the same code? HomeWhenthetemplateisselected,thetemplateitemsmustbeloaded.Asshowninthefollowingimage. Code...
asked by 05.10.2018 / 22:21