Questions tagged as 'html'


Search in checkbox list

I would like to do a real-time search. Similar to DataTables , but in a "list" of Checkbox . Here is my list of CheckBox <div class="panel-body"> <div> <label> <input id="chk" name="chk" type="che...
asked by 11.08.2014 / 17:04

Ajax and link how to make a: visited work when using ajax

I recently made a website this week, When I click on a series to watch and choose the episode, the ajax takes the link and places it in my div, but when I return the link it is not in the color I put in the CSS: #exemplo a:vi...
asked by 13.02.2015 / 12:11

add / remove array to an input hidden

I'm using a jQuery code to add products that are chosen from a select list to a table . The product name and quantity are included, and lastly only the button to remove the product from the table. I have a input hidden that should be p...
asked by 30.06.2014 / 22:37

How do I trigger ('change') in an input select?

I'd like to simulate a change event in my input, but I'm not getting it to work. As the page loads, I select a different value in my input like this: $("#selExercicio option:contains('" + ano + "')").prop("selected", true); It's working....
asked by 29.04.2014 / 17:23

How to capture the HTML of the open page in Chrome with Delphi?

I need to capture through delphi the source code of a particular HTML page that was currently open in google chrome. In Internet Explorer I know how it does, from chrome I do not think anything like it. Any suggestions?     
asked by 12.05.2014 / 04:31

POST is empty depending on the site I use

I have a project in Codeigniter that is in a folder within the domain. The folder structure is as follows:    / domain / Web / project / I'll call domain and project because of the client / site name I can access the site in two way...
asked by 16.06.2014 / 21:12

Mounting a 'frame' in html from an array in php

The tables: Science (eg Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry). Areas (eg Algebra I, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemical Bonding). Exercises (eg Water, Algae, Bryophytes, Progressions, Chemical Bonding). To use as in this example [Table 01] in h...
asked by 22.07.2016 / 17:09

Flexslider - Thumbnails Vertically

Hello, I'm using a Flexslider to do the image listing of the page, but I would like to know if there is an option to list the carousel images vertically at the moment they are going horizontally. Here's what I need to do: YoucanseethatifI...
asked by 22.07.2016 / 14:41

React.js Failure Handling Events

I'm starting to learn React.js by seeing some videos, tutorials and documentation. However, I'm having a problem with my code in Google Chrome appearing like this: AndinFirefoxneitherIgetanyerrormessageinformationandsupposedlyshouldappear,at...
asked by 26.07.2016 / 20:39

Wrong width in chart div

I'm trying to make an effect of when I choose an option in the select, I show the corresponding div with highchart . You have 2 problems: 1- The width of the chart is not completing the width of the div correctly. 2- I can not think...
asked by 26.04.2014 / 15:32