Questions tagged as 'html'


How to remove input and textarea borders from all browsers when clicked?

Look at the image to get an idea: When clicked this border with blue shadow is visible. I think it's standard for all browsers. Any solution?     
asked by 11.02.2014 / 14:35

jQuery - Typical duplicate use situation of the same code. How to proceed?

Being here doing my sites in php/mysql/html/css and learning more and more about jQuery I got into the situation where I should use the same code for two ids distinct. How do I need to use the same code in two different p...
asked by 09.08.2014 / 20:05

How to replace the src of an img tag?

I have an html page that shows an image for each day of the year. Images are organized into folders such as /img/o1/o1.jpg (referring to January 1st), and so on. My html is simple I want you to take the day + month today and replace...
asked by 28.03.2014 / 03:58

How to filter data entries in PHP

Good evening, I have a form serving data entry that is displayed on the screen. The problem is that this data can be html tags or scripts, if someone puts this code in my form, the page will be redirected. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content...
asked by 16.02.2015 / 04:33

Creating PHP object from HTML

I imagine that frameworks usually do the following to create a simple text field: $campoTexto = new CampoTexto("nomeDoCampo", "valorDoCampo"); $campoTexto->gera(); The result would be: <input type="text" name="nomeDoCampo" value="va...
asked by 26.06.2014 / 21:18

Attribute dir, html or css

The dir attribute is usually omitted for LTR and is used for RTL - which are written from right to left (arabic and related), with the purpose of changing the direction, but I did not find anything relevant besides. Using PHP to f...
asked by 02.11.2014 / 11:42

Capturing audio via microphone via JS or HTML

I need to capture audio from the microphone and write to file. Send to PHP server. How do I, in the examples I saw here, did not notice how to record the sound files.     
asked by 30.04.2014 / 23:31

jquery.iframetracker It does not work in Mozilla Firefox, can solve it?

I have a script that writes a cookie with ajax when it clicks on a Google ad (iframe), works in good Chrome .. but in firefox does not .. does anyone know why? Or if you have another solution to do the same thing I'm trying to do ... <?...
asked by 18.10.2018 / 06:13

Sort styles with prefixes in CSS

Sometimes when I see CSS prefixes like -webkit , -moz and even -ms . So I had some questions about them: Why do some styles do not need prefixes (like background , for example)? Is there a correct (or recommended)...
asked by 13.10.2017 / 18:39

How to center a binary tree?

I need to properly center this binary tree template. jQuery or JavaScript can be used. I'm going to need to generate the code with PHP , so you need to have some logic in html . Another detail is that you need...
asked by 09.01.2015 / 04:23