How to replace the src of an img tag?


I have an html page that shows an image for each day of the year.

Images are organized into folders such as /img/o1/o1.jpg (referring to January 1st), and so on.

My html is simple I want you to take the day + month today and replace it in the source of an img tag

How could I do this? Javascript?

asked by anonymous 28.03.2014 / 03:58

4 answers


Do with javascript, put an id or class to identify, rescue with javascript, and change the property

var img = document.getElementById('teste');
img.src = 'teste';

sorry ... To get the date ...

var d = new Date();
var mes = d.getMonth()+1;
var dia = d.getDate();

/// alterando o src
var newImg = '0'+mes+'/'+dia+'.jpg';
img.src = newImg;

Do you understand?

28.03.2014 / 04:09

You can change the src property by using an identifier or something you can select in the image. Then you can retrieve its node with javascript and edit any attribute.



    // Armazena o nó da imagem.
    image = document.getElementById('id-da-imagem'),

    // Recupera um objeto com o momento atual.
    date = new Date(),

    // Recupera o mês do objeto "date".
    month = date.getMonth(),

    // Recupera o dia do objeto "date".
    day = date.getDate();

// Altera o source da imagem armazenada.
image.src = '/img/' + month + '/' + day + '.jpg';

If you want to change the attribute with jQuery:


    // Recupera um objeto com o momento atual.
    date = new Date(),

    // Recupera o mês do objeto "date".
    month = date.getMonth(),

    // Recupera o dia do objeto "date".
    day = date.getDate();

// Altera o source da imagem armazenada.
$('#id-da-imagem').attr('src', '/img/' + (month < 10 ? '0' + month : month) + '/' + (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day) + '.jpg');

See this jsFiddle application example: link

04.04.2014 / 13:59

You can insert the images on your page into hiddens fields and do the validation they displayed above in JS:


    // Armazena o nó da imagem.
    image = document.getElementById('id-da-imagem'),

    // Recupera um objeto com o momento atual.
    date = new Date(),

    // Recupera o mês do objeto "date".
    month = date.getMonth(),

    // Recupera o dia do objeto "date".
    day = date.getDate();

// Altera o source da imagem armazenada.
image.src = '/img/' + month + '/' + day + '.jpg';

That from there will work perfectly!

04.04.2014 / 14:48

Javascript, put a command to CAPTURE DATE , make a selector by capturing the img element and change the src attribute by assigning the date in the desired format (/img/o1/o1.jpg)

28.03.2014 / 04:12