Questions tagged as 'html'


Position absolute does not activate overflow: auto

How can I make absolute div (id 3) override other divs and do not enable overflow div parent (id 2)? <div id="1" style="background: red; width: 400px"> <div id="2" style="position: relative; background: blue; padding:...
asked by 13.01.2018 / 17:49

How to leave table td automatically increasing or decreasing the size according to the number of characters?

How do I set% s of td to automatically increase or decrease the size by the number of characters? To prevent the text from ending up breaking line?     
asked by 14.12.2017 / 13:36

How do I break lines between links without having them span the entire width of the parent element?

I've been looking at these two topics dealing with line breaks between tags: Break lines in CSS without using extra elements How to break line between CSS tags Both would solve my problem if it were not for one detail: I need the...
asked by 30.07.2018 / 03:07

Media queries are not applying the css according to device width

I'm trying to create a responsive layout. Some elements it is applying the css as quoted in the media queries, some others is getting web css. How can I arrange for him to get the corresponding css of what I want? Why does this occur? Here's...
asked by 21.06.2018 / 04:59

CSS / HTML Writing around an image

Good morning, I have a "square" image but in pentagon format, I need to write on the edges of it: Picture: Ineedtowriteinpentagonformattoo,asintheexample: Another requirement is that the text will probably change, but it should grow out...
asked by 25.07.2018 / 16:27

Checking whether an element is visible or not on the page

I have the following buttons: First button: <button id="modal-btn" class="button btn-cart btn-verde-claro"> <span>Comprar</span> </button> Second button: <div class="btn-comprar-fixed-mobile" id="btn-comp...
asked by 05.01.2018 / 18:41

Restrict CSS to IE

Is something missing in this parameter? I need this style to apply only to IE 11, when I include this code it works, but other browsers also get <!-- [if gte IE 8]--> <style> .box-form .logo-footer { margin-...
asked by 04.01.2018 / 14:55

I have a problem in 2 scripts ... Tabbed browsing

Well I'm trying to solve a really annoying problem, I'm trying to make a page in nav of tabs and it uses jquery : " link " But I'm also with another script and it's using: link If my uncle 3.2.1 my script does not work, and the na...
asked by 07.01.2018 / 11:11

Page bottom of page

I have a system that shows 8 data per page, my problem is that the pagination when only has a data on the page or 2 is on the data side, type: data 1 - data 2 - Page 1, I wanted it to stay at the end of the page as it happens when you have 8 dat...
asked by 06.12.2017 / 13:34

Checkbox gets bugged MARK ALL -RETIRATE SELECTION -Special event;

Hello everyone, my goal is to check and uncheck the checkboxes until then, all right look at the print: I press to select all and the script selects ALL I click to unmark it uncheck ALL until everything is right. The PROBLEM is that if...
asked by 18.11.2017 / 21:31