Questions tagged as 'html'


Definition of the "margin-top" in percentage of a "div" works in a strange way

I have a page .xhtml and the first element to be placed is a div ( content ) and I set it to a top margin ( margin-top ) of 30% p> Supposedly, this percentage should be taken from the height of my screen, in my case I have...
asked by 20.10.2014 / 13:26

How to hide href with jQuery while input file is not selected?

I have a% of image upload% where the user before doing an update on the avatar image or profile cover, he visualizes (in the same form) his registered image or a system default. It turns out that my form has an "onchange" and my inp...
asked by 24.04.2014 / 02:38

How to space the "fixed title" of a page and the posts?

During the creation of the page, I decided to put a "title" which will have the site name and some tabs for the user to be forwarded; however, it always overlaps the first post: Sinceeachpostislikethis: Using PHP, CSS, or HTML, how can I make...
asked by 16.07.2014 / 03:02

JavaScript to interact with Java

You can get a javascript value and put it inside a variable in java . EX: var len = $(" #relacaoPax select[name=tipo] ").length; console.log( "len = " + len ); }); <% int l = len; System.out.println( "//L = " + l ); %&g...
asked by 22.07.2014 / 19:04

Put contour in split div

I'm trying to put a box around my form. So far so good, but now when I want to split the form in half that same box around the form crashes. <div class="formCreate " style="width: 95%"> <div class="divCaixa"> <div st...
asked by 02.05.2014 / 13:57

Change the color of an HTML5 progress element

I need to change the color of a progress bar (tag <progress> of HTML5) with CSS. The standard for Google Chrome looks like this: ButifItrystylingwithcssitlookslikethis: How can I leave the background (the gray and white part...
asked by 30.03.2014 / 14:47

Pass variable with several input / select

I have a form with several input that I create with a for loop, which I pass through POST to another page and change its name as in the example: <form action="page2.php" method="post"> <?php for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){ ?> <...
asked by 06.01.2015 / 20:34

How to limit an input according to the variable?

I have 2 fields as shown below: <div class="col-md-4"> <label for="descricao">Valor título </label> <div class="input-group"> <span...
asked by 22.11.2018 / 19:41

how does this HTML base tag work?

Hello, I would like to know how and what this < base > of HTML5?     
asked by 25.11.2018 / 16:46

How to make a floating menu and that change of style according to movement to scroll?

How to make the scrolling fixed menu scrolling like that of the site: link Note that when you scroll, the background of the menu changes to black.     
asked by 13.12.2018 / 23:41