Questions tagged as 'html'


Clear select element with JavaScript

I have this field select: <div class="control-group"> <select runat="server" onclick="ClearOptions(this);" name="txtpesquisa" id="txtpesquisa" class="form-control.selectize-control"> </select> <script>...
asked by 08.05.2018 / 22:45

How do I split items and different sub-pages on the same page?

I wanted to split a few different items into subpages , an image of an example. For example, if I click the button 1 it shows the element 1 , if I click the button 2 it shows the > element 2 , but all this without page change ,...
asked by 09.05.2018 / 21:13

Print list of data json

I need to get the data from a json file and with that data generate a list corresponding to the category that it belongs to for example if it is the technology category I need to generate a list of all the items that are of that category, if it...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 03:16

Div when mouseover in the field does not work

I have this function, which worked fine, now I do not know why it does not work, I think I'm forgetting some detail. This is the CSS: #mostrar { display: none; } #CodigoCobrancaID:not(:placeholder-shown):hover+#mostrar { display: block; }...
asked by 23.10.2018 / 14:54

Modal to inform users that registration was successful

Well, I wanted the user to register in the system and if it worked out, a modal saying that:    Registered user successfully If already exists the matricula or email informed will appear a modal with something like:    En...
asked by 12.11.2018 / 22:24

Error in ajax .JavaScript

Hello, The following code will present a table with values. I am retrieving the table cell value that the user clicks through this $(this).text() function in javaScript. I have to send this information get through this function, for an aja...
asked by 23.05.2018 / 01:57

How to create a JSON file from a JS?

Hello, I created a simple page where the user can set some fields. I need to implement the following function: When you click the Create button, the application should generate a JSON file with all the fields that were created. As I know almost...
asked by 10.11.2018 / 12:50

Javascript + CSS: Doubt over Value or textContent

I made a condition that is not respecting the contents of text . Home Here is the code: function teste() { var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("testetxt"); if (elements.value =! null) { elemen...
asked by 18.05.2018 / 20:58

Texts aligned in the bottom right corner of the screen

How to leave two text aligned in the lower right corner of the screen in css, one on each line, example: IVP Inventory Variant Position IVP centralized just above meaning, but both in the lower right corner. I tried this way,...
asked by 21.05.2018 / 20:43

How to put two buttons side by side

I do not understand as much about HTML and CSS as I would like and need to make a small change on a site where I'm limited, so I did it here. <div> <div> <a class="button" href="(LINK)" style="float: right; border:...
asked by 16.03.2018 / 15:56