Error in ajax .JavaScript

Hello, The following code will present a table with values. I am retrieving the table cell value that the user clicks through this $(this).text() function in javaScript. I have to send this information get through this function, for an ajax, to a page that is called ( Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php ) that is present in the same folder as the code below. In this ( Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php ) screen I want to appear the value sent to it. Note that in constructing the table I am creating a link to ( Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php ) for when the user clicks on it to be directed to it.

I tried to use $_GET['nomeGrupo'] and did not succeed.

  <script src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
     $(function () {
         var valor;

         var nomeGrupo;


     function () {


      valor ={'nomeGrupo':nomeGrupo};

             type: 'GET',
             data: valor,
             async: false         
     ).done(function (retorno) {


        <img  <img src="../imagens/logotipo.png">
     <div id="divBusca">
        <input type="text" id="txtBusca" placeholder="Buscar..."/>
          <button id="btnBusca">Buscar</button>
     <div id="IDsair">
        <a href="Sair_Sessao.php">SAIR</a>
   <div id="id_tabela">
      <table >

               echo " <tr>
              <td class='classGrupo'><a href='Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php'>valor,$i</a></td>         

Second Screen ( Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php ) The first code sends the text of the table cell to this second screen, and the user tmb is directed to this screen and can see the contents sent.

 <script src=""></script><body><divclass="principal">


    <figure id="logo">
        <img src="../imagens/logotipo.png">

    <span><h1><?php echo'',$_GET['nomeGrupo']; ?></h1></span>

    <div id="logoUserADM">

    <figure id="logoADM">
       <img src="../imagens/administrador.png">

    <figure id="logoUser">
        <img src="../imagens/imagemPerfilA.png">


    <label>Criar Perguntas</label>
    <label>Corrigir Perguntas</label>

    <div id="imagensBotoes">

    <a href="jk"><img src="../imagens/CostrucaoAtividade.jpg"> </a>

    <a href="jk"><img src="../imagens/Correcao.png"> </a>
asked by anonymous 23.05.2018 / 01:57

1 answer


According to what you intend "Second Screen (Screen_Choice_Parts_Correct.php) The first code sends the table cell text to this second screen, and the user tmb is directed

You do not need to use ajax or libraries , just go via GET the parameters directly on the link to be clicked:

        echo " <tr>
        <td class='classGrupo'><a href='Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php?nomeGrupo=valor,".$i."'>valor,$i</a></td>        

If you have to pass a vector, transform the contents of this vector into a string, separating the elements by some character that will never be used in the content of the items. Generally, developers use a comma in order to separate the elements. I prefer the pipe character "|", due to the fact that it does not appear in the Portuguese language rules for any function.

//array com a lista de produtos
$produtos = array(0 =>"relogio digital",
1 =>"mouse",
2 =>"arame para cerca",
3 =>"bateria de celular",
4 =>"doce de abobora",
5 =>"tv de plasma",
6 =>"prato de porcelana");

creating the string with the php implode function

  $string_array = implode("|", $produtos);

  echo "<tr>
        <td class='classGrupo'><a href='Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php?nomeGrupo=".$string_array."'>enviar</a></td>        

A good example of using AJAX is applications without loading a new page.

<script src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {


       var nomeGrupo=$(this).text();
       var dataString = {"nomeGrupo":nomeGrupo};

                url: 'Tela_Escolha_Perguntas_correcao.php',
                type: 'POST',
                data: dataString,
                beforeSend: function(){
                success: function(data){
                error: function(){
                    $("#resultados").html("Ouve um erro ao enviar sua URL");




           <img  <img src="../imagens/logotipo.png">
     <div id="divBusca">
        <input type="text" id="txtBusca" placeholder="Buscar..."/>
          <button id="btnBusca">Buscar</button>
     <div id="IDsair">
        <a href="Sair_Sessao.php">SAIR</a>
   <div id="id_tabela">
      <table >
               echo " <tr>
              <td class='classGrupo'>valor,$i</td>         

  <div id="resultados"></div>

23.05.2018 / 07:36